Bad Memories

1538 Words
Flashback…. Nikita held Mia to her breast, nursing the baby as she sat on the floor and also had papers spread out around her on the ground. She was peering at the latest lab formulas and their results. They were so close to getting the formula right. Her pretty eyebrows furrowed briefly as she awkwardly reached out to add a few notes to her work. They’d try a new way tomorrow. Maybe this would give them what they were looking for…. The backdoor banged shut, making Nikita jump. Her neck snapped to the hallway that lead to the kitchen were the backdoor was located. She gulped. The door was always locked and only one person had the key. Boots shuffled across the kitchen floor and Nikita winced when she heard cursing. A glass shattered and then she heard him stomping towards the living room where she sat. “Where’s dinner,” Joel grunted, his eyes falling on Nikita as if it was any other day. As if he hadn’t left nearly 6 months ago swearing never to come back because he’d found someone better. “There’s leftovers in the fridge,” Nikita said evenly, looking straight at him and pretending right back. She did her best to ignore the way he looked. There was a lipstick stain on his collar and he smelled like cheap perfume. Nikita’s eyes fell to his arm, his short sleeves doing nothing to hide the four long scratches across it that looked almost like fingernail scratches. Sharp-tipped fingernail scratches. They looked fresh, the blood still visible on his arm. Nikita hoped the woman had done this while dumping his sorry ass. But knowing Joel, it might’ve happened during some kinky role-play. Stuff he said she was too boring for. “I work hard to support you and those two girls, all to come home to left-overs?” Joel sneered. “I didn’t know you’d be home,” Nikita retorted calmly, her skin crawling as she looked at the way his eyes roved with interest over her bare legs visible in shorts. His eyes went to Mia nursing at her breast and revulsion quickly appeared in them. “At least someone’s getting a decent meal,” Joel grunted. He c****d his head to the side. “Didn’t you say you’d stop soon?” he motioned again to Mia suckling greedily. “She only does it to fall asleep now,” Nikita replied clamly, trying to ignore the ire mounting in her. “Pretty soon, she’ll stop altogether.” His lips curled into am angry sneer. "It's disgusting!" Nikita felt the familiar shame creep up her spine. Joel had always found it revolting. She turned away from him, looking back down at her papers and wondering how long he’d be around this time. “Maybe once you're no longer her personal cow, then you could finally make me a decent meal,” Joel spoke up in a surly tone. “Maybe you could be present for us instead of an absent father to your two girls,” Nikita couldn’t help but retort. He had some nerve, showing up here like he hadn’t been with his latest fling. Who probably kicked him out when she found out he tended to drink heavily and curse. “Do not disrespect me woman!” Joel yelled, his fist hitting the wall next to him. Mia pulled away from Nikita’s breast and let out a loud wail. “You scared her,” Nikita scolded him, jostling Mia and trying to comfort her. “it’s O.K. nena,” cooed Nikita, hoping Mia would clam down soon. She glared at Joel as she hugged the wailing baby. “Don’t look at me like that!” Joel yelled, stomping over to her. “You sit there all high and mighty. Think you’re pretty smart don’t you,” Joel snapped snidely. “You and your fancy degrees and white collar job." Joel looked at her with contempt. “It doesn’t change the fact that you’re a frigid b***h!” Nikita felt the blood pumping through her veins as her tempter mounted and got the best of her. She stood up, clasping a wailing Mia to her bosom. “I grew up Joel!” Nikita yelled right back. “I grew up and realized that partying and drinking wasn’t all there was to life. It’s not about degrees or being smart. It’s about working hard and being responsible for your children!” “I am responsible!” Joel boomed, spittle hanging off the side of his mouth. “You tell me….whose house are you living in..mi bella esposa?” Joel mocked, calling Nikita ‘ my beautiful wife’ in Spanish. “I let you live here with the girls…for free,” he emphasized. “They are your daugthers Joel,” Nikita said evenly. “And while we live here for free, I pay the bills….I buy the groceries-“ “And who provides these two beautiful daughters fully covered health insurance?” Joel challenged. “Who’s paycheck gets the most dinero cut from it? Mine,” he ended deftly. Nikita grit her teeth together, narrowing her eyes at him. He had some nerve. “And who is never around for his girls?” Nikita challenged, her eyes narrowing at him. There was a tense silence between them as Nikita could tell that Joel seriously wanted to say something to her but something was holding him back. She turned to see that Evie stood behind her. The girl was looking straight at her father with pure adoration in her eyes. “Papa,” Evie whispered, an exuberant smile on her face. “Papa is home!” Nikita looked back at Joel, wondering what he’d do now. For all his faults, atleast he had the sense not to make a scene infront of Evie. Joel strolled over to her, scooping her up in his arms. “Hello, Muneca,” Joel said, holding Evie close to him. He began to whisper soothing words into Evie’s ear. “I am sorry we woke you up,” Joel murmured as he carried Evie back to her room. “Story…please!” Evie begged her father. Joel sighed in resignation and Nikita knew that he’d comply even if he didn't want too. He was putty in Evie’s hands. He loved Evie more than he’d probably loved anyone else in this entire world. Evie…was a product of the love they’d had for each other. Hers had been a teenage pregnancy… they’d been so happy back then. High school sweethearts, married right after graduation because she’d become pregnant. And when Evie had been born, Joel had been over the moon. Evie was his first. Her novelty would always remain for Joel. Unfortunately, Mia did not hold the same importance in Joel’s heart. Nikita’s eyes went to the picture in their living room of Evie’s birth announcement. The Joel that stared back at her in that picture had been the man she’d fallen in love with. The man who’d constantly sacrificed his comfort to work hard for his family. For his Evie. But at some point…that man had changed. With a resigned sigh, Nikita hushed Mia and reached for her papers that Joel had uncaringly stomped over. Hours of work had just been ruined under his muddy boots. She shook her head, calling it a night with a heavy heart and going to sleep in her bed with Mia next to her who was still crying. Nikita hesitantly wondered if Joel would try to join her as she patted Mia soothingly until the little girl fell asleep. But Nikita shouldn’t have worried. When she woke up the next morning, he was gone. Most likely, whatever spat he’d gotten into with his latest fling had ended and he’d gone back to her. That’s how Joel was. He was a toxic drug. But he was also addictive. Nikita was a first-hand witness of the pull that sucked a girl into Joel’s charade. You’d think you’d never find someone as good as him, as caring as him. And once he had you… he had you so good you could never leave no matter how much you wanted too. End of flashback. Nikita’s eyes opened as she pushed the bad memories away from her. No she would not think about Joel on a day like this. On a day when she had been told she would get the promotion she’d been working for. Getting up, Nikita packed her things and quickly made her way out of the building and into an uber she’d just ordered. Unbeknowest to her, the CEO of her company was staring out at her from the top floor of their 15 story building, his werewolf sight giving him a clear view of the beautiful brown-haired woman. Sullenly, Kyle turned away once Nikita was obscured from his view by the vehicle she’d entered. He cursed, looking down at the documents infront of him that depicted a lab in Kuala Lumpur. His eyes hardened and with resolve, he inter-commed his secretary to draft up Nikita's new contract. He really did not have a choice here. Chris had been right. A/N: Check back next week for another update :).
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