3631 Words

Vanessa's POV ‘Dear,...', no that's not right. ‘Hi! I'm writing to you..', oh no what am I writing? an essay? ‘The sun is high in the majestic sky but in my world, you are the only light..', ugh not trying to be a poet right now, I thought as I scratched the words for what seemed like the millionth time. It was getting more and more irritating when the ink finally ran out. “How the hell did Jeramaine write hundreds of letters for Oriana every Valentine's.”, I muttered under my breath as I crumpled yet another piece of paper. “If you need to know, he wrote the same thing over and over again.”, Savannah said, appearing out of no where and now looming over my head trying to peek at what I was doing, I supposed. “Bug off, Savannah.”, I demanded as I got up and left but Savannah was following

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