3169 Words

Oriana's POV “So, what did you plan for us next?", I asked as we were sipping our evening tea at one of his favourite cafes in town. The ambience inside was more of a cottage core vibe, with a skylight in the centre where the sunlight reflected inside showering the tangling ivory with splashes of golden hue. The sight was almost magical and when the sudden breeze brushed my skin, it was as if I was in a garden. The warm tea was sweet with a hint of strawberry and when I closed my eyes and concentrate more, I swore I heard fairy songs playing in the mist. My hand was in Jeramaine's hand as we shared a sweet little kiss and without words, we could already spell ‘i love you' in each other's eyes. Then, I opened my eyes. That was when I quickly realised that it was all in my head. “I thought

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