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Jeramaine's POV "Where are you going?", asked the boy desperately as he ran towards her trying to reach her hand but tripped and fall instead. She stopped abruptly and after a minute of hesitation, she continued walking without even looking back until she is completely out of his sight. "What the hell...ughh..", i woke up with a jolt, grunting in my breath, my palms rubbing my eyes. It's that stupid dream again. A past that I'm so scared to relive again but yet kept living with through my dreams. For a second I was numb, staring at the ceiling and my chest felt so heavy that i couldn't breath and so i sprung out of bed, and took a cold shower. When i was done and looked at the time on the wall, i was late. I'm gonna miss her, i thought so i quickly grabbed my bag, put on my shoes, and with a toast in my mouth, i smiled just for the thought of her. After 3 years of knowing her, i am still head over heals for her. When we first met, it was near the intersection a few blocks away from our school and she bumped into my back with her rock hard head. It was painful and i wasn't in a good mood so i wanted to lash out on whoever it was, but when i turned, she was standing there, looking at me, and i couldn't help but stare at her. She was beautiful, too beautiful even. Her hair was down, it was bright red, like the flames in my fireplace, the sun's light reflected on it making her look otherworldly. Her lips was red as red as wine and she was wearing a beautiful white, knee-length silk dress with little roses on it. It was flattering on her but staring at her for too long makes me look like a creep so i turned around and walked ahead without saying a single word but i knew she was following me, ughh what now?. "Why are you following me? Did someone sent you?", I burst out and for a moment i thought i saw a flicker of flames in the centre of her eyes. I must be imagining stuff. "I'm going to school.", she answered and walked casually passed me. Yeah, I was a weird one but i blame my past for it. Aaahh there she is, walking with her head tilted to the sky. She always likes watching the sky and i like watching her, because she looks like a normal girl when she does it. "Are you ready for school? it's finally our senior year.", I asked as she approaches but she was just staring at me, and i freaked. What did i do wrong this time, but then, she smiled and you have no idea how relieved i was. Honestly, this girl makes me jump and trip over nothing but i wouldn't want it any other way. I was lucky. When she first told me about who and what she really was, i wasn't surprised. It was a few months into us dating each other and I kind of was expecting something like that. I couldn't have thought that she was a Sol, one of the sun goddesses, but from the moment that i first met her i knew that she was not human. That was one of the reasons why i was so cold and so distant because i didn't want to be involve with her in anything but her gravity was pulling me every single time and I didn't want to resist anymore. Slowly, we fell in love, and that's when she told me everything. At least everything that I'm allowed to know. I know that it's hard for her, and i know that she has secrets that she's keeping from me, and i do too, so i wanted to give us all the time that we need. I wanted us to work because i believe that she will never leave me unlike everyone else that does. These past few days though, she has been acting a little bit unlike herself. She's constantly in a haze, thinking too much about something and it worries me. She would lose her temper over miniscule things. At times she would be sad out of nowhere and no matter how hard i tried to make her talk about it, she said she's fine and just brushed it all off. Like that day when she suddenly lashed out on me at our lunch table, and left. I catched up to her, trying to talk to her. When all of that was to no avail, i just hugged her and she fell quiet. "Can i ask you something?", I asked still cautious, "Where do you go, when dusk comes?". With that one question, she decided that we should go somewhere and skip the rest of the period. I ran to my house as fast as i could and drove my car over. She was waiting for me two blocks away from the school and we drove away. Our windows were open and she reached out her hand to feel the breeze. Her other hand, brushing those strands of hair that flies to her face from time to time. There was a smile on her and for the love of god, if i didn't get myself together, we would've gotten into an accident and visit the hospital instead. "Why are we going to the beach? Is that where you live?", I asked. "It's close", she replied, smiling, her teeth were showing as she grabbed my shades that were hanging from the rear-view mirror and put it on with so much class. "..Hahaha...what are you talking about?", I exclaimed and we both started laughing. "So let me get this straight, you live close to this beach? Isn't that a little, no, that's too far away from school don't you think?", "Come sit with me?", she asked, patting the sand next to her, overlooking the blue sea. Her legs to her chest and her arms over her knees. "I'll get sand on my bottom.", I said but sat anyway. She looked at me, with the corner of her eyes and smiled at my sarcasm. I flashed my signature smirk, and we both admired the sea for what seemed like a very long time. This was relaxing. The ocean stretched out far and wide, reminding me of our never ending love. The sun was high up in the sky as if it welcomes the sight of the sun goddess. The seagulls were flying above our heads, mewing as if its announcing her arrival. She caught me off guard when she slipped her arm into mine and said, "Let me show you, do you see that fine thin line at the end of the ocean?", her index finger pointing at it. "That's where i go when dusk comes.", she continued. "The horizon?", I asked and she nodded in approval. "But the horizon is just an imaginary line of some sort, to separate the Earth from the sky. It's not a place, it doesn't exist.", I argued. "That's true. It doesn't exist. But to you because you couldn't find it. You can see it from here so how do you know it doesn't exist. If there's a sun goddess in this world, there's surely a horizon, Jeramaine.", she explained resting her head on my shoulder, her arms wrapped around my arm. "Can i go there with you?", I asked actually hoping she would say yes. "I've never heard of anything like that, I'm sure there's a way, but for now, I don't know how.", she always knows exactly what to say. "I should probably apologize to Vanessa tomorrow.", she said, her face was sullen. She was guilty. "Why? Did something happen?", I asked. "Apparently, you're not the only one who i lashed out on today. And if she had asked you about where I've been or how I'm doing, you would've told me by now. She hasn't texted me either so i know she's upset with me.". "Oriana, what's going on? You're worried about something, and it's been bothering you for a long time now. If you need to tell me something, I'm here to listen. We can fix it together.", I explained, cupping her face with my hands. Without a single word, she just stares into my soul, contemplating on everything and i know she's not ready to tell. "I'll tell you another time, it's not a big deal, its period. I need to go now.", what nonsense is she saying? "Goddesses get periods too? Now you're just straight up lying to me.", I scoffed, her head stood low, watching her shoes trying to hide her smile from me. "So am i leaving without you?", I asked and she nodded. She waved as i walked back to the car, turning my head around, watching her from time to time. Her yellow flowy skirt was flapping around her figure with the wind while her thin silk cardigan travels off her left shoulder, exposing her tight white tank top. I wonder where she got her style from, it's just effortlessly beautiful on her. When I finally got to my car and looked back for the last time, she wasn't there anymore, and so was the sun, that was just seconds ago peaking out of the horizon. Beep beep. It's a message from Vanessa. 'Is Oriana safely home now? Are you with her?' oohh gosh these two love birds, why can't they just talk to each other and make up. Girls are so complicated, i thought, but i texted her back anyway. 'Yeah she's safe. I just dropped her off. Talk to her tomorrow, she was really sad earlier.". 'Thank you, Jeramaine.' By the time i got home, I was already late for my part time job. I grabbed my working clothes from the drier, almost breaking the flower vase on my island on the way and quickly head out to the cinema. One of the reasons why i got this job was because of my face. Girls my age and sometimes younger or older would come to our cinema just to buy tickets from me. Those from our school comes out here pretty often too even though i purposely chose to work here because it's far away from school and my house. It's such a hassle but it's easy money. We got loads of customers, and we got paid a lot. Sometimes we get to sit and watch the movies when they're playing at midnight after we wrapped up our long day of work. "Your shift is almost over why don't you join us?", Savannah asked, smiling, her head tilted to the side as if its going to snap. Her minions following behind her. "I'd have to pass.", "Why not, just go dude. We're done here anyway.", Austin your not helping, i thought and glared at him. "Yeah your friend can come too,....Austin.", Savannah said, leaning over the counter and reaching over to see Austin's name tag while i shake my head in disbelief. "You can go, I'm going home.", I said as i patted Austin on the shoulder and quickly left, when i looked back, Savannah's minions were already dragging Austin into the theater with them. Ohhh hahaha...he's going to have a blast. "Are you just going to leave?", Savannah shouted striding towards me but i just ignored her. After a few minutes of silence as we walked under the streetlights, her heels clapping on the pavement, she finally added "You know, you've been acting a little mean with me lately.". "Well I'd like it if you'd stop being mean to my girlfriend.", i said. "Ugh.. come on i wasn't that mean.". "Yeah, like the many times you called her dumb, and the time when you tripped her in front of everyone, oh let's not forget the time when you stole her clothes after gym class and she had to wait in the girls' bathroom naked, until Vanessa came searching for her to get her clothes back. That's not mean at all Savannah, that's just pure evil.", I exclaimed, my voice was still calm, best not to get her riled up. "At least she got her clothes back. I practically gave it to Vanessa so she could go and find Oriana.". When i grew silent again, she added, "I just dont like her. She's too pretty, too nice, too innocent, everything about her screams con artist.". I stopped and faced Savannah looking at her straight in the eyes, my right hand grabbing the top of her head and said, "You need to stop. You've changed.". "Well do you blame me?.", she said, her voice a little raised and her arm, pushing away my hand with force, it hit the brick wall beside us but she didn't care. "Do you remember the so called tooth fairy i always talked about?", I asked. She let out a frustrated sigh and said, "You never got over her do you?". "I still see her in my dreams.", I confessed. "Isn't that cheating?", Savannah added and i brushed her off. "You should go in, your friends are probably waiting... And stop coming here. I know what you girls do with all the guys you snatched in with you. Oriana might get the wrong idea.". Savannah didn't say a word but just rolled her eyes and left for the theater. Savannah and I go a long way. She was transferred to our orphanage when her previous one closed down because of financial issues. The orphans were all separated, sent to different orphanages who would support them. It was probably really hard for Savannah, she was only 5 at the time and the stress of not having a roof over her head and no food on the table, must have traumatized her drastically. She was so quiet when she first arrived, but both of us bonded over the lost of something similar. Our parents. Who both died in an accident and none of our relatives were willing to take us in. After a little bit of getting used to, she became more bright, more cheerful. She became happy. She was a rather cute girl too and she was adopted quite quickly into a rich, well educated family with a strong background. It was all for the better. She was loved dearly, her adoptive parents would get her anything, she got to go to school like every normal kid, but she never stop visiting the orphanage to meet me and play with me. When I was finally old enough to fend for myself and leave the orphanage, we enrolled into the same school together. She became the rich popular girl, from a strong family while I became the handsome wreck, who came out of the orphanage. The fact that she too was once from an orphanage was a thorn on her side and she would do anything to keep it a secret, so she threw me away. But the fact that we are each other's childhood friend can never bury this bond between us. Although we rarely talk to each other, we do acknowledge each other, and thats enough for us. "Jeramaine, you need to check your phone. Now!", Vanessa's voice blasting through the phone. She sounds angry. After i end the call, I went into our student group chat and saw a picture. It was of me and Savannah from last night, in the dark, with only the streetlight shining on us, and me holding her head, looking close into her eyes. Ahahaha, that's it? It's not even an erotic picture of me. That's a weak blow. Oriana wouldn't buy this. Suddenly my phone was ringing again. "Are you cheating on her?", Vanessa shouted, accusing me. "It's a picture of us talking, why is everyone freaking out?", I explained. "That's besides the point here, everyone knows what Savannah and her friends do when she brings a guy to the cinema and you're the 'guy' right here.", and suddenly my heart beats frantically. "What? I work there.", I explained. "That's even worse Jeramaine. Why would you work at a cinema far away from our school? Because you dont want people at school to recognize you when you bang Savannah. Everyone knows that Savannah has a thing for you.". "Wha..ah.. that's not true, me and Savannah isn't like that. We would never. I would never. She doesn't even like me. She's just acting like it..", I blurted out everything i could to try and clear myself. "That's nonsense Jeramaine and the fact that you are always so lenient when it comes to Savannah, makes it much more suspicious.", Vanessa said before ending the call. I left my house in a hurry. I need to catch Oriana on her way but as i turned at the intersection, Oriana was already there waiting for me. For a moment it felt like my feet were glued to the ground and i couldn't move. From afar, from the drop of her shoulders, and the way she was looking at the ground, her foot was kicking the ground beneath her, and her hair up in a messy bun, i could tell that she was heartbroken. Suddenly, she lifted her head and turned to look at me. "It's not what you think.", I said as i approached her, reaching for her hands, holding it in mine but she wouldn't look at me. She was busy looking at everything around her but not at me. "We should end this, Jeramaine.", she suddenly said and i took a step away from her, my hands no longer holding hers. "You won't even let me explain? You're just going to break up with me?", I said in utter disbelief. "It doesn't matter, whether its true or not, we were never going to last. It's better that we break up now then later.", she added. "Huh, is this why you were always so distracted? Is this why you're always so out of it lately? You've been thinking of some reasons to break up with me and today was your chance? Is that it?", I asked dying to hear some explanations. She was quiet for a long time when she suddenly looked up at me. "Yes", she said, but before i could argue, she was already walking away and watching her back, my heart ached that i couldn't bring myself to go after her. Where did it went wrong? Why is she doing this? What did i not do for it to not be enough?
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