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Chamelio's POV "She's different, Jericho.", I said as he stared at her picture. "What do you mean?", he asked, his eyes now focused on me. "She's not at all like what you described. She's not cold or distant, in fact she has all the emotions, a human would have. She has friends. She laughs, jokes around and she cries. She has a boyfriend. She's in love.", I explained as Jericho's eyebrow arched up. "Interesting.", he said. "So what should I do now?", I asked. "Make her trust you. Make her tell you, who she really is. Then, you will give her this letter.", Jericho explained as he held up a crumpled envelope. It looks ancient as hell. Inside there was a letter. "Am I allowed to read this?", I asked. "If you want to understand how important this is, then yes you may.", he answered. "..but?",

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