Chapter 1

937 Words
We were about to move to the new house today, but I didn’t really want to move there. But I couldn’t tell my parents why either because I didn’t have a real reason except that I had a bad feeling about this house and that wasn’t a good enough reason not to move there. Her mother went to the moving car to put the last box of things in it and then the moving guys closed to door and went into the car and started to drive. Her parents yelled at her that it was time to go. She went into the car carefully and hoped that she was wrong and that it wasn’t anything bad going on in the new house. But the nearer they got to the house the more nervous and anxious she got. Because she knew that her feeling was never wrong, and she trusted her felling more than anything. She wanted them to turn around and drive back to their old place, but she knew her parents would ask her why and that was the problem they wouldn’t listen. After a while the car stopped and when she looked outside the window, she knew why she didn’t want to move here. Her sixth sense had warned her not to come here which she had to anyway but as soon as she looked outside the window and saw the house, she wanted them to start the car and turn around. She was pale like a corpse in her face and wanted to stay in the car which her parents found weird. And when they say her face, they asked her what was wrong. She was so scared of the house that she was shacking from fear and looked at her parents with pure fear in her eyes. They got scared by just looking at her and at the same time they didn’t understand why she was acting like that. They told her to stay in the car while they move their stuff and things inside the house. But she told them not to go inside the house and return to the car right this instance. But they just looked at her with a questioning face. I told them that the house is pure evil and that I can't live here. My parents looked at me like I had told them something crazy and just told me that it was because I missed the old house. They didn’t listen to my warning and that was when I knew that we would die in this house one day. As soon as I saw my parents walked inside the house, I saw a shadow fallowing them. I looked away right away so it wouldn’t know that I could see it. And then when I was standing at the doorstep everything in my body screamed and begged me not to go in and told me to run. But I couldn’t and the fact that every instinct in my body told me to run can mean only one thing and that is that it's something dangerous inside the house. She wanted to warn her parents so badly, but she knew that they wouldn't listen or believe her, so she chose to keep quiet and wait for them to see for themselves. She only hoped that she wouldn't lose them by then. After a while their things were finely in the house where they should be, and the moving guy left. Now it was only them left in the house. They showed her where her bedroom was and she walked in and the instance she did so she wanted to run out of the room and never come back but since she couldn't even do that, she chose to unpack her things including the box with her clothes. After she has finished unpacking her things she walks out of her room and decides to go look for her parents. She walked down the stairs and went to the living room to see if they were there, and as soon as she walked in, she felt sick and had a bad headache and felt like she shouldn’t be in here, so she walks out of there fast and never looked back. Then she walked into the kitchen and saw her parents sit on the kitchen table, so she walked up to them and hugged them. They noticed immediately that something was wrong then. They wanted to ask but knew that she wouldn’t tell them. Two days later when she walked out of the bus and was on her way to her new school, she saw a weird looking shop that picked her interest, so she decided to see if it was open which it was, so she opened the door and walked in. there she saw a lot of occult objects then when she was looking around a lady came out from the desk and asked her if she was looking for something but as soon as she looked at the girl the lady looked terrified and said: poor girl what is that thing that is fallowing you? That’s when Kayako knew that the lady saw that thing she had seen in the house, so she asked the lady for help and told her everything. “I see, I can’t help you, but my mum can. Come back tomorrow and I will take you to her. But you can’t tell anyone about the house, do you understand?” “ I understand. See you tomorrow.” Then she walked out of the shop and kept going until she saw the school.
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