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Exactly a week had passed. Today was the day; I was going to be introduced to Ace. I was supposed to greet him at a party where all the men and women dress up, hoping another woman would catch his eye. We dress up dramatically to show off our wealth, and, of course, to be the most attractive person in the room. However, my father had arranged it so that even if Ace found another girl attractive, he couldn't have her. I had my dress on. I had done my makeup, and my mom had finished doing my hair. "You look beautiful, my princess," my mom said as she held my hands in hers. "Thank you, Mamá," I replied with a small smirk before Raul knocked on my door. Raul escorted me down to the front door as we waited for the limousine. My father finally came out of his office minutes before we had to leave. "The limo is on its way," he rolled his eyes with no sign of emotion in his voice; he couldn't wait to get rid of me. I didn't look at my father, purely because I didn't have to. "I'm not happy about this!" Raul stated furiously to my father, letting his opinion on the situation be known. "Raul, stop it," my mother hissed at him. "You do not get a say in this, none of you do," my father spat viciously. I could see his breath in the cold air. "Take that jacket off immediately; once we get inside, do you understand?" My father growled at me. I nodded repeatedly. The limo finally pulled up, and my brothers and I got into the car. My mom helped get my dress into the limo as my father sat impatiently. "Faster," he snarled at my mom. "It was you who wanted this dress," I glared at him angrily, reminding him that I would've been perfectly happy wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt to the ball. My father's stare snapped toward me. I had forgotten my manners for a moment. I felt like shrinking up into a ball while his cold, intense glare was glued to me. "Do not speak to me like that," he hissed at me, showing his dominance. I didn't dare to stare in his direction; he grabbed my chin roughly and forced me to look at him. "Understand?" He growled, inches away from my face. "Yes," I uttered quickly and quietly due to the pain of him squeezing my chin. He released his grip on my face before scoffing at his thoughts. My mom stared at my father in shock while Raul took my hand and held it tight. I sat in silence as I tried not to seem nervous. "You're bringing her to another man; the least you could do is give her a good memory of you or at least a decent one," my mom folded her arms sternly as she ignored my father. All my brothers stared at me, but I couldn't work up the courage to look at them. My arm interlinked with Raul's as we walked into the ball. I shivered in the massive hall due to the dropping temperature, where people were gathering slowly. It had just started to snow outside for the first time in a few years. "Take that shawl off you immediately!" my father gripped the rim of my shawl and ripped it from my freezing body. "But father...." I voiced with concern. "Don't speak unless I tell you to, I'm this close to beating you," he hissed into my ear so that no one else could hear, making shivers run down my spine. He showed me the tiniest gap between his thumb and finger. Why can't I keep my mouth shut? I saw a lot of people standing around, and some were just staring at me; don't they know that it's rude to stare? But sadly, it's one of the many downsides to being in one of the biggest mafias in the world; if they're able, they will watch you. "Everyone always watches us," I muttered under my breath to Raul as we stared at the crowds of people. "They stare at me because they're afraid, they stare at you simply because you are beautiful yet powerful; like a rose," Raul smiled gently at me. "I'm sorry I can't stop this arrangement, I wanted you to find love on your own," Raul grumbled disappointedly as he shook his head, staring at the floor. "Maybe it won't be so bad," I shrugged, trying to look on the bright side when suddenly the doors opened, and the room fell silent. "It's Ace." "Ace... Hernandez." "I've heard he's ruthless, merciless." "He shows no remorse for anything he does." So many whispers were flying around the room. I watched a few guards come in, and there he was, Ace Hernandez. The man I was arranged to marry. His footsteps echoed through the room, filling the crowds with immense fear. I had a bad feeling about him, yet I couldn't help but watch his every move. I finally got to see his face, and he was very attractive. Not a single flaw on his face, but he had to go and ruin it by being a murderer. I noticed the skull tattoo on the side of his neck. It was the symbol of his mafia but in way more detail. His attractiveness was intimidating, so I couldn't imagine how insecure the guys felt when he walked in. Ace slowly scanned the room, girls practically drooling over him as he glanced in their direction. But then he spotted me. He stopped turning as he stood a few feet in front of me. He gazed at me from across the big hall, not breaking eye contact. He looked me up and down before noticing my father. My father approached Ace very quickly, barely giving the man a chance to breathe. "Mr. Hernandez, it's nice to see you again," my dad blurted out, reminding him that they had met. I had never witnessed my father so unprofessional; I could see him trying to bury his fear. "Yes and your daughter, what is her name?" Ace uttered urgently, not paying the slightest bit of attention to my father. "Daughter," my dad shouted at me. Raul wished me luck before I strolled reluctantly toward my fathers. My other brothers couldn't even watch. Diego was facing the window. I don't blame them. Watching your sibling being given away, who would want to watch that? I saw a smirk appear on Ace's face as I approached them. "Father," I nodded obediently. "This is Ace, Ace Henandez," my father introduced him proudly, He seemed more proud of Ace than any of his sons. "Ace, this is my daughter," my father stopped speaking to my daughter. Ace turned his attention to my father. "So she doesn't have a name?" Ace questioned my father with a hint of anger in his tone. "She does, not that she deserves it," my father laughed, expecting him to chuckle along, but Ace's facial expression seemed unamused. "What is your name?" Ace raised his eyebrow at me. "I'm Sofia Diaz," I spoke confidently with a polite tone. Ace held out his hand and flinched slightly. He frowned his eyebrows in confusion before I shook off my momentary weakness and continued to shake his hand. "I assume this is who I'm marrying?" Ace announced to my father. "Yes, you will be marrying Sofia," my father nodded, confirming Ace's thoughts. "Okay, we're leaving now," Ace demanded as he wrapped an arm around my waist, forcing me to walk with him. "Can I say goodbye to my brothers?" pleaded Ace as glanced back, every single one of my brothers in shock. "No, you can't," Ace continued to walk and forced me to walk with him. Ace opened the limo door, and I climbed in; purely because I didn't have a choice. Yes, Ace was devilishly handsome, but he gave off a cold vibe. He looked quite young, definitely not as old as I had previously imagined him to be. Ace sat next to me in the limo. The silence was deafening. I didn't want to speak or look at Ace. I knew that if I had made a big deal, he probably would've punished me like my father. "Wayne will have your room ready when we get back to the house," Ace's deep husky voice spoke. I nodded in response. "I'd prefer a thank you," Ace hissed at me, rolling his eyes. "Thank you," I mumbled, not feeling thankful. It didn't make sense. Those galas are usually held mainly for business and to build alliances so why didn't Ace try to align with people? I was probably asking a stupid question; he does control the biggest Mafia in the world so why would he need allies; Allies need him. The limo arrived at Ace's mansion. "Ace, you're back," a woman who was small and frail greeted him at the door with a cheerful tone. "Mamá, I told you to get some rest," I heard Ace say. "Ahhh I'm okay, just a little sick, so let me see, who is she?" His mom asked eagerly. Ace opened the car door for me, and I stepped out. "Hi," I smiled politely as I held my hand out for her to shake it. "Ahhh she's beautiful," His mom embraced me in her arms. "Where's my father?" Ace asked his mom. I tensed up at the word father. "He is in his office," she scoffed, rolling her eyes at the thoughts of him which wasn't a good sign. "Of course," Ace grumbled angrily while rolling his eyes. "Let me show you to your room," Ace's mom offered while she beamed happily. Ace was very handsome. He had light brown hair that was a good length, bright blue eyes, tanned skin, tattoos that stretched up his left arm, muscular but he lacked a personality. It's like he was empty, It's like he was a robot. Ace strutted into the mansion and walked up the stairs. His mom led me to my room. "Ace picked out the clothes and furniture himself which is rare, I must admit," His mom explained as we walked into the room. The room itself was beautiful. It was dark yet cozy at the same time. "Your clothes are in this closet here, and if you need anything feel free to ask Ace," His mom smiled welcomingly after pointing her finger at the wardrobe. "Thank you," I nodded as I sat on the bed, not sure what to think about the whole situation. "Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Denice," she snickered after shaking her head at her forgetfulness. "Dinner will be ready soon, dear," Denice uttered before leaving the room. I decided to change out of my dress as it was uncomfortable and flashy.
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