Chapter 42

1439 Words

Chapter 42Next morning...! 6:54am...! I woke up with a strong urge of using the bathroom, I rip the blanket off me and made to get up but couldn't. Something seems to be restricting me... I frown. I look down and realize Ray's arm is tightly wrapped around me, and we're sleeping on the couch... my mouth shape into an "O". I clearly remember that last night I didn't let him into the bed, I made him sleep on the couch... But how I ended up being on the couch with him is a mystery. With his arms so tight around my waist, how am I gonna get up? I throw my head back onto the couch and sighed, why does this happen everytime... Darn you Karen! "Don't curse at me, I was just cold and wanted some warmth" Karen retorted in my head. I rolled my eyes at her comment. "Wolves are warm blooded a

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