Chapter 39

2102 Words

Chapter 39Writer's POV Rivera's apartment....! "Josh?" Dylan calls as he strolls into the living room. But he's met with silence as Josh didn't respond. "Darling I'm home!" He said again.I Still no response. He sniffs the air and shakes his head...he just realized Josh is home. He sighs and puts his hands on his waist..a frown appear on his face...then it seems like he remembers something. "Honey, I know you are mad at me. Listen, I can explain, I didn't mean to break up with you... it's just, we don't communicate that much but trust me, I do love you...I really do love you!" He stops and bites his tongue to stop him from laughing...he clears his throat and continue. "If you can give me another chance, I swear I'll prove to you how much I love, don't shut the door on m

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