Chapter three

370 Words
It was evening. Both Nancy and Jess got ready to go for the event. In the afternoon both of them had taken a tour of the resort and the beach. From the antique shop Jess had bought a antique locket. Jess wore her yellow dress n Nancy a dark red long sleeved outfit. As Jess made Nancy change her mind.  " You have to look good when you meet Brad.  You cant go in casual in front of him Nancy " Jess was saying. The moon came up in the sky full and lovely. The gardens around the resort were decorated in glittering lights. There was campagne flowing lavishly all around. Jess quuckly took one glass from the waiter.  While Nancy preferred a soft drink. Brad the actor was all dressed up in a tuxedo and was greeting all the attendees. There were photographers too. Jess was too excited to meet him. " Did you find anything odd when we were buying that antique pendant in the shop " asked Jess. Nancy said " you mean that guy who was standing beside you, yes he was kind of strange. I felt like he was stalking us. " Both Nancy and Jess were conversing at the corner. The atmosphere was full of heavy perfume scent. Brad gave a lovely smile to Nancy and Jess when they entered. Afterwards on the stage he gave a small speech. Rest of the evening went by quickly with all guests mingling. Jess took a selfie with him n got a bit drunk on the champagne. Nancy had to literally drag her from the event. It was late in the night now as they were retreating to their rooms " Its that same weirdo from the shop c " Jess pointed out to the same man who was sitting in the lobby. " Do u think hes some serial killer " asked Jess. " U r just over imagining "Nancy said. " But I don't like the looks of him " Jess said. " Come on lets go to our room now we had a busy day " suggested Nancy n they both went up the lift. While the mystery man gave a smirk at them.
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