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Nancy slowly made her way towards the window and checked out. There was nothing there. But she was sure she had heard a whisper. A chill ran through her veins. She woke up Jess. " Get up Jess I think this resorts haunted, I heard some whispers coming from the window.. We are on the first floor sure it cant be some human. " Let me sleep and please you better go too and rest all ur these detective instincts " Jess was mumbling in her sleep. " Okay I m retiring but I'm closing this window " said Nancy and went to her bed. No more sounds of whispers came. In late morning Jess was up and woked up Nancy . " Come on get up we have a lot of touring n sun tanning to do today " Jess said. The bell boy came and delivered their breakfast and a coupon. On the coupon voucher was the photo of Brad the celebrity who was hoisting an event in the evening at the resort. " This is getting better see what's come up " said Jess handing the card to Nancy. " Really this is good. So ofcourse you must have decided what to wear for the event as hes ur favourite actor " Nancy said. " Yes I'm wearing my yellow dress in evening but now let's go tour this place " Jess told. " And what about you, what are you wearing " Jess asked Nancy. " Ofcourse i will be wearing my comfortable blue jeans and white shirt what else " Nancy said with a thump on her friends back.  " You are incorrigible " Bess was saying. Nancy laughed and said " please dont do anything over in front of Brad!  " " In his last movie he was very good i saw it in premier " Jess said. " " And when he came out of his, lamousine and was signing autographs you almost tripped and fell on him. Alk the cameras caught it " Nancy said.
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