Chapter 6

243 Words
Lila started screaming.  And the man was gone. All the guys came rushing towards their tent.  " What is it what happened. Why did you shreaked " Tod asked. " There was someone out there. I think it was the roaming killer here " Lila, said. " Yes there was someone and he laughed too. It was so creepy.  Lets go back from here " Liz said.  Jess too woke up at all this noise. " Its midnight Liz it okay in morning tomorrow we will  go. I will sleep here.  And Lila you go and sleep in my tent " Tod said. Bruce was saying " Yes thats a good idea.  Come Lila.  " " What if he came back again and this time with an axe " Jess argued. " Im there wake me up " Tod said. " And after hearing all such screams he wont be coming back im sure " Winston joked. " Do you have to make comments at such times too " Jess said to Winston. Later again they all slept. From far off the sound of an axe cutting a, tree could be heard " Tod wake up see again that sound is coming " Liz waked up Tod. " In one hour it would be morning so just ignore it " he said. " " By morning if we all would be alive then " Liz said while peering out through the tent window. 
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