Misunderstandings between Prince and Dora

254 Words
Dora and Prince are new married when they entered into the kingdom. Misunderstanding create between Dora and Prince. Because Prince brother is exactly same as Prince. Prince brother see Dora, he fall in love with Dora. Prince brother create many misunderstanding between Prince and Dora. Prince brother is a ex-smoker, an ex-drunkard and ditched by a girl but still pining for her . Dora realises the not-so-honorable intentions Prince brother has towards her but Prince refuses to believe her and has full faith in his brother. He even goes as far as to take Dora to a psychiatrist.To get away from it all, Prince and Dora go on a long-delayed honeymoon. But Prince brother shows up there too Prince watches Prince brother kissing the photo of Dora in hotel room and realises Dora was Right regarding his brother. Prince knowing this beats her brother mercilessly. Prince gets unconscious and Prince brother packs him in gunny and throws him in a lorry. Prince brother disguises himself as Prince and goes near Dora on not responding Dora comes to know he is Prince brother not Prince, however Dora escapes from the chasings of Prince brother and finally shoots him with her revolver. Prince brother falls in pool and when Prince comes she narrates the whole incident to him, Prince brother tries to come out of pool but Prince kills him with the very own revolver and finally Prince brother dies. Prince brother's soul talks about his feelings coz he is dumb he couldn't express his feelings.
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