Dora ?‍? hates Prince? because of Madu ?‍♀️

235 Words
One day Madu came to kingdom, Prince family tell to Prince why Madu ate coming again to kingdom.Madu know that you are married now. Prince suggest Prince ,you should marry Madu to other person. And trusts her to win over his family just by being herself. In kingdom Madu getup early in morning before Dora wake up and starting breakfast, helping with kids homework in kingdom helping with dinner, all the nice good things. Dora see all these things and she got angry with Madu.Madu explained to Dora , Prince and me gently explain that they can’t be in love because we are friends. Friendship is where romance ends, but can’t be where it begins. Which is SO TRUE!!!!!!! You need that spark, somewhere! Without that, you will have nothing to keep you going. Which I have come to understand deeply and profoundly while fostering this dog that I hate. She is a fine dog, reasonable, practical, we have a lot in common. But there isn’t that spark, and suddenly everything feels like a chore. Dora heard Madu words , but She does not understand Madu.Dora cannot believe Madu, Madu said You and Prince are similarly impulsive, similar in love at first sight, the “spark” is definitely there. Madu said, Prince Love one girl in his life that is you Dora. But Dora cannot accept Madu, she was in angry mood with Madu.
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