Dora ?‍♀️ said to Prince ? we marry Madu ?‍? to good boy ?

207 Words
Prince and Dora have always been focused on getting Madu married to a “good” boy. It’s what she wants from her life, and she needs the strong family background of a united couple to help her get it. And out of nowhere, the perfect boy appears! Christian, young, rich, and in love with Madu and vice versa. And also out of nowhere comes conflict! Prince and Dora go to the boy’s family and his father challenges Prince to both give up his place on the Indian national cricket team and never see Madu again, and then he will let his son marry her.It’s a double tragedy. Prince has to give up his dream, and his friend. And Dora feels it too, but not as much. It’s still Prince 's story, Dora is sad because Prince is sad. And it’s still overall friendship of Madu and Prince. Prince gives up his dream for the sake of his friend, the one who always stood by and supported him when no one else believed in him, and the one that he promised to get married to the boy of her choice.Madu donot know what Prince do for her, Prince sacrifice her dream because of her best friend Madu.
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