Chapter Thirteen-2

2784 Words

“Is all Pokacu technology like that?” I said, remembering the blood that came from the missile when I destroyed the rocket earlier. “Much of it is,” said Nicknacks. “What makes hijacking Pokacu ships complicated is that the organic parts are usually biologically connected to the pilot of said ship. Thus, if the pilot dies, the ship cannot be used, making it impossible for anyone who isn’t the pilot to use.” “Meaning that if we froze these guys, we wouldn’t be able to use the ship because we’d end up killing the pilot?” I said. “More or less,” said Nicknacks, nodding. “They were designed that way in order to make it impossible for enemies to hijack them and use them against the Mother World.” “And how successfully has that worked out?” I said. “Let me put it this way,” said Nicknacks.

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