Chapter Eight

2035 Words

Chapter Eight As soon as the video message ended, Cadmus immediately stood up and said, “Mr. Apollo, Wind, follow me. President Plutarch will no doubt call a conference to discuss this with us. Shade, take Strike and Bolt back to their teams.” “What?” I said, looking up at Cadmus in alarm. “Why? What are we going to do? Are we going after them or—” “Stop asking pointless questions,” Cadmus snapped. “Time is of the essence, so we have no time to waste explaining things to you two.” Cadmus immediately walked around the table, with Mr. Apollo and Wind hastily following him. The three of them were gone in an instant, but we didn’t stay here long, either. Shade—who looked far more serious than she normally did—shooed me and Strike out of the meeting room and took us to the suite where our t

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