12. An Oath Betrayed

1466 Words

12 An Oath Betrayed Baelin and Ilsa owned a small cottage on the west side of town off Cannery Street, not far from Julian's own flat as it turned out. Down a small intersecting street that more fit the term alley—as far as Julian knew it had no official name, it was just "That Alley Over There" to the locals—that ran between a pair of large boarding houses where the younger fishing men tended to live, the cottage, though small by any standards, had a certain charm to it. It was obvious that Baelin cared for their dwelling; the roof and shutters were in good repair and while the sides did not exactly gleam, they clearly had a fresh coating of paint done this summer. A well-ordered garden lay off to the cottage's left side, planted with all manner of vegetables and a couple of small trees

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