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After that storm, Ysabella found herself in her room. She didn't know how and who carried her since Hades is weak that day. She winced in pain as she felt her head was throbbing, she didn't know how many hours she had slept. The stars in the sky were nonexistent, as between us arose puffs of gray. Those balls of cotton seen during the day shifted into streams of gray the color of ash and soot. They blanketed the sky, hiding the full moon in its full glory behind them. But the moon fought, oh how it fought to shine its light on the earth. But the clouds stretched over the sky, giving it a hazy ominous feel. "Ugh it's night," she muttered as her hand massage her temple, her neck seemed to hurt during her sleep. She walks slowly barefooted and looks at her window. As always people are busy with what they are doing and some are preparing for the night. Some kids are also playing with their siblings or friends and she can also see that some are enjoying singing with their guitars and enjoying the warmth of the bonfire. "How lovely," she whispered as she looks in awe outside. "Lovely as you can be," a deep husky voice speaks which startled her had her hand in her chest, she spun around to look who is the person who had entered her room again without even knocking and she swears she would give him the wisdom of her words. But her tongue rolled in her throat and suddenly got coward and withdraw all she had thought earlier. "Hades," she breathes and he closed his eyes as if indulging the words that came from her mouth. "Are you and the king do now even have in your mind to knock at someone else door?" she asked in a tempered tone but she immediately regretted the tone of her speech she shouldn't be asking that way because at the first place she is just temporarily living in this palace but when it comes to her privacy she must admit she didn't like someone just entering her room, what if she's taking a bath and worst of all she comes out naked and someone entered her room. "Oh I'm sorry, forgive my manners it's just like I'm just used of entering without knocking and I totally forgot that I am entering into a ladies room," he apologizes and he looks sincere as what Ysabella sees in his eyes unlike the king, she was sure that she and that brat king will never be friends or something. "Why are you here?" she asked changing the topic. "I just come to check up on you since you too faint in the cottage," he said while looking through her eyes, she can't stand the way he is looking at her and somehow she felt the conscious of her appearance. 'God why is he looking at me that way and I should be thankful that he was a three-meter away from me from where I am standing, I smell off today since I didn't take a bath,' she thought to herself as she played her fingernails. "Are you now okay? Are you hungry I have prepared food for you and you might as well eat for you to regain your energy, you told that I was anemic but look at you now, can you come and eat with me?" he asked and Ysabella just can't help herself not to admire his built and his presence, it was strong, dominant and cold but she should not be thinking crazy ideas but when he was near her, his face softens even his face was half mask. Would she ever see his face even just a glimpse of it? She didn't know why she wanted to see his face but she was just intrigued to see it. "I would be honored to eat with you and can I ask?" she whispered but it was enough for him to hear it. He had observed that she was not yet comfortable in his presence but she was comfortable in the company of Xevy to her, which made him a little angry and he was annoyed why he seems to feel that way. "Yes, you may ask," he stated waiting for her response. "Can I send a letter to my family? I mean, I am just worried about them n-now and I want to ask if my step sister will be t-there to take care of them," she was stammering as she said those words and Hades could feel it. He didn't know why he was being angry towards her, he wanted her to be comfortable with him not like a scary cat. "Are you somehow afraid of me? And please answer it with honesty and why," he asked, he can't help but to blurt it out and there is no backing out. Ysabella look at him for a minute and took a deep breath before opening her mouth. "Yes," she breathes and Hades can't help himself but look down. Yes, he was somehow expecting that answer but he didn't know it was too painful that it came from her. He was about to turn around and just walk away not bothering to answer her request perhaps in the dining are he would answer but she suddenly speaks again. "That is why I want to see your face, I badly want to see your face. The moment I saw you, you have always been on my mind," she said which makes Hades jolt from where he was standing it was good enough that his back was face to her so that she can't see his reaction, and maybe now his face was so red and he can't help but put a smile in his lips. "We will discuss your family, later on, prepare yourself and we'll have dinner. I'll wait for you outside," he said and turn his heels and walk away, slowly closing the door leaving her alone. "Why is my heart beating so fast?" she asked herself and held her hand in her chest and completely forget about her throbbing head, it was replaced by her heart whose now beating wildly. She should calm herself down before she could have heart disease or something, she's being paranoid and she knows that.  'I could feel my heartbeat… every single pound in my chest. Not through my ears, that was occupied by the steady drum, drowning it out in the ears. This great pounding, this great pressure, every beat. I couldn't hear it, but I could feel it. Every beat a turbulent push from within pushing as a giant placed within the chest, as a great wave against a minuscule dike. This pressure urges the words, this horrible pressure. I don't know for what reason I have to be placing these words here. I started in an attempt at relief, from the beating; some trickle of words to relieve the flood. I can feel it still, beating, pulsing, thumping. It didn't work; why won't it stop.
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