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Stars filled the sky like pale grain into the freshly turned ground. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold. It was a vastness to bring humbleness and an eternal space to bring gratitude for the coziness of home, of her. No matter the years that passed, Knight saw each night sky as a fresh gift given anew. It was the moment anyone that knew him would see his eyes smile and his breathing deepens just a little, it was because of her, his smile, and his breathing is because of her. As night fell the blue haze of day lifted to reveal the stars. He always felt that this was closer to the truth of who he is. Yes, after all those lie years he had lived, he is now proud of what he is now, but not yet to be proud of what he is capable of, he must get her, he had promised that day that he would return. He wondered if we were nocturnal would we feel more connected to those far away stars, perhaps sensing the fragility of the surrounding, he can sense something is going along with his plans.  "Master the prince and king will be off soon in the palace and only her will be left in the room so we are free to get her any time soon," Antarteces stated as her knee bend down and her head bow. It was not easy for her to be in this part of his plan, kidnapping the woman he loves and she will be a part of the plan surely hurts her but it is her happiness if her master gets what's he wants. 'I've poured warmth into you for so long and you love it, I know you do. Then you turn on the cold to shut me down. It hurts. Every time is a new wound, a new scar to add to the collection. You know it never stops me loving you, but I need you to try real hard, try not to go cold in that way. The hurt covers me like a cloak I never wanted, bonding to my skin when all I ever wanted to be the sunshine. That's why I act as I do for several days afterward, it takes time to shed something like that. It never stops me from loving you since that day you found me in the organization even though I am a concubine you treated me like a woman even if you just saw her face to me. And even though I don't like you being in the dark I have no choice but to be with you, by your side just to be with you, I'll come along whenever you go Knight, that is how much I love you. I can survive anything if I feel loved, even these pains that come to explode within, these silent hand grenades. I can survive this Knight, if you didn't love me then you would have driven me away but no and somehow I felt love even in just your touch, you look me in your eyes, and your orders,' she thought to herself as she looks at him with such sorrow in her eyes, her unrequited love had no end. "Why Antarteces?" Knight asked as he looks at her eyes, she was in deep sorrow, her pale blue eyes tells all of her hidden messages. "Nothing Master," she answered and decided to stand up. Knight walks into her direction slowly and his hair was blown by a cool breeze and his scents were lingering in her nostrils. She remembers how it felt to touch that hair and lingers it on her fingers. Pain is invisible, subjective, and open dispute unless it is one's own pain. Aches are worse, always taken to be less than they are, and hardly ever thought of without the possibility of the sufferer magnifying their woes. Sometimes I think the reaction a person has to another's pain tells more about that person than they'd like but she should be asking herself about that. Antarteces bit her lip, eyes everywhere but on Knight, then he moves closer with those eyes that look so deeply into her own, slowly he lifts his hand and touches her cheek, his warm hand felt so soothing. There is something about that gaze of his, she'll never find in another man and she knows that she loved him indeed. "Quit with your imagination bunny, it is never going to happen, and I remember that I just warned you," he coldly stated with those cold-blooded eyes. Her brain stutters for a moment and her eyes take in more light than she expected, every part of her goes on pause while her thoughts catch up. It was as if the impact had knocked every wisp of air from her lungs, and she lay there in her mind struggling to inhale, to exhale, to do anything. Trying to remember how to breathe, unable to speak, totally stunned as his words bounce around inside her mind. "I don't imagine things, Master," she answered it took her a while to answer those icy statements of his but she gained a strong emotion not to burst out because it will totally look pathetic if she will do that. "It's better that we are both clear to each other right Antarteces? But as long as you are faithful to me I will not be gone by your side. I will still root in you Antarteces, keep that in your pretty mind," he said and left her standing there. Antartces waited for him to at least close the door before she knelt her knees down and groan in pain that she kept, it was too painful. Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him. Her heart no longer felt as if it belonged to her. It now felt as it had been stolen, torn from her chest by someone who wanted no part of it. When you give someone your whole heart and he doesn't want it, you cannot take it back. It's gone forever and even your soul, the whole of you.  Unrequited love differs from mutual love, just like delusion differs from the truth.       
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