1119 Words
The curtains add an orange glow to the morning light, every morning a perfect sunrise. Ysabella woke up in the morning and squinted her eyes. It was a beautiful scenery of a sunlight towards her room. When suddenly she realized she was in her room. She pulled out of her blanket and look at herself in the mirror.   “How did I get here?” she quizzed herself it was a crazy question to claim but as she remembered she was in a dreary place, she is not just hallucinating or making things up on her mind. She was wearing a white robe and notice she wasn’t wearing anything inside of her. She feels naked and dirty, a tear smeared up on her face as she thinks a thought. Was she raped? But she didn’t even feel anything happened to her that night and that voice, the voice that she heard was too familiar. It was like giving him a room in her heart. But as soon she pulled the tie of her robe and freely fell it on the floor, she gasped as she sees a red bruise, no it was not a bruise it was like sucked and nibbled near in her breast. She ran her hand on the red part of her skin.   “Who are you?” she whispered in the thin air as she looks the part of her skin in the mirror.   The door immediately opened and Ysabella gasped as the mirror reflect on the light causing her to look at her back, she was damn naked for Christ's sake.   “Oh, s**t!” a husky deep voice cursed and closed the door immediately. She hurriedly wrapped her naked body around with the robe and she can feel her cheeks burned up. A man saw her naked back with her naked butt. She didn’t know if she has the face to see that man who intrude her room. Therefore, she was mad at not knocking on the door before entering her room.   “Ysabella? uhm,” a deep voice stammered.   “You may now enter,” she softly replied and door slowly opened. It was Hades.   “Uhm, I’m sorry for not knocking again and intruding your room without your permission… again. It was not my intention really, I was just worried about you because I and Helios got into a fight while we are travelling out in the woods. And I know it was one of the people of him. So I got here as soon as possible to check up on you and here you are safe,” he stated looking through her eyes, she can’t help but to blush she felt her cheeks burn in red.   She didn’t know if she has to tell him what happened last night but she decided not too. It’s better not, she guesses.   “What happened? Are you two okay? And whose people are you saying?” she called for with a worried tone and stands from her seat and walk into his direction. Hades startled but didn't want to see it obvious, Ysabella really had a hit on her. His breath take away as she was slowly near to him. She was breathtaking beautiful right now and his mind gone crazy as he keep remembering his entrance in her room. She was damn naked. His own private thoughts made him blush and he doesn't want it, it makes him not him. Why would he touch her? those were the questions running through her mind and he was crazy about it. Why would he touch her and why does he wanted to feel those skins on his hands?   “Are you okay?” she asked and now she was in front of him. She puts her warm delicate hand on his cheek and he was astonished as her hand landed on his cheek. His eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than I knew eyes could be. If it were anyone else I would drop my gaze, but with him I’m drawn in closer, always wanting more.  She turned her head to the side to avert her gaze, but the sudden rosiness of her cheeks gave her away, what was she thinking why would she wanting for more.   “Sorry for touching you I was just-” she startled saying those words which makes Hades smile a little bit, he doesn't want her to see that he is affected for Christ sake this woman is annoying his heart and wild mind.   “We are okay and nobody can harm us two. I am asking if you are okay did somebody or someone intrude your room?” he asked looking through her face even though she was not looking at her eyes.   “Look at me Ysabella and answer me honestly,” he said and his hand voluntarily lift her chin and advert it to him.   “I’m okay,” her breathing becomes softer, the wistful look melting into a smile as soft as the morning light. He sighed and looked at her with those blue eyes touched by storm clouds. She had never seen any emotion in them other than contempt.   The emotion in her eyes was fathoms deep, yet they carried the warmth and life of the sunlit surface. They had a thousand hues of blue and a small touch of hazel radiating in softly swooping arcs. He was mesmerized looking at her eyes as if he was drown in it. There was a silence for a moment and none of them have the urge to speak, they were just looking each others eyes. It wasn’t the color of their eyes that takes them so breathtaking, as it was what was inside them.   Hades cleared his throat and both of them came back into reality.   “Breakfast will be served in any minute, come down and we will wait for you,” he stated not looking at her, his back was now facing her and turn his heels and walk away slowly closing the door, not waiting for her reply.   Ysabella, then realize what had just happened, first he saw her naked and now she had touch his face and they come to an eye contact. What’s wrong with her? Why that if every-time Hades was near to her she had the urge to come near to him and wanting to him or anything, does she had gone crazy?   “My heart,” she murmured and place her hand in her chest it was beating wild again.    
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