1173 Words
Another cloudy night rolls in covering the last of the twilight sky, when was the last she had seen clear sky, ever since she was here the weather was always gloomy and stormy. Ysabella couldn’t get her to sleep, she’s not even sleepy or anything. Se kept walking around in her room as if she were uneasy. The four corners of her will be dizzy of her walking. She doesn’t know but something will happen, she can feel it. And now that Hades and Helios was out of the palace and only few soldiers are on the palace guarding. Something was up. “Take a deep breath Ysabella you’re thinking too much, you just need a sleep. You didn’t sleep well last night, right?” she cheered herself up and comb her hair using her hand just to ease and calm herself. It was her way to calm, combing her hair. Like hail on a glass pane, the drumming of her fingers was as relentless as it was loud. Each click of the polished nails on her table echoed the tumultuous thudding of her heartbeat.  “Why are they not back yet?” she asked herself looking through her window hoping she could see them but no, the lane was dark. She sat down on her bed and groaned, she’s feeling odd. A moment later she heard a soft crack in her window. She was immediately taken aback and didn’t know what to do. The feeling that she had now deepened, she knows something was wrong. She can’t even move her feet or feel her muscles. She doesn’t even know if she is still breathing normally. She searched for her blade on the back of her dress and grip it tightly. And when she blinks, a tall person was standing with a mask in the face and looking straight into her eyes. “I come to take you to him.” She know she's scared when those old fears run through her head. She couldn't breath, it felt as if someone was choking her. Her heart was racing and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save her. But no one would, no one was there. A choked cry for help forced itself up her throat, and she felt a drop run down her cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for her.   Ysabella didnt know that she was now inhaling a poisonous scent of a flower. And with that, Ysabella felt dizzy and as when she was about to say something, her vision blurred and she passed out.                                                                                        *** “Hades are you sure this is the way?” Helios asked as he looks at the way they are going. They are riding with their horses and horses can tell if something was off or if there is trouble. “Yes I am sure, this is the way and it will not be long we will arrive there,” he answered and just continue to look at his way.  Later they heard footsteps on wet leaves.  Hades and Helios first felt around. Something had followed them. Hades immediately signaled for Helios to get off their horse. They have to contend with their followers, otherwise they will only have more difficulty if they run the horse in a direction they do not know.  “Seriously, we will fight them?” Helios asked, looking at him ridiculously. “You have no choice because this road is cliffs,” he answered and Helios cursed under his breath. “Then why did you answer me that this is the right way and you are so sure, you sounded so sure and yet here we are facing our tss,” Helios muttered looking pissed and look at the woods, it is all restrained now. “Are you ready? Here they come,” Hades asked, preparing his self. “Damn yes I am ready,” he answered and positioned himself ready for a fight. And without a minute five men showed up, they were big and muscled men. “Hey punk this might your end huh,” the man in the middle said and his hand formed a fist ready to attack. And charged. He threw up his forearms like an offensive lineman blocking a defensive back, but Hades slipped to the side, pushed the man’s elbow down and away, caught his head, and rolled him into the floor. Third of a second once contact was made, and Hades was on his feet, watching the muscular man rush toward him in slow motion as the three other men, even more slowly, jumped to their feet.  The muscular man reached under his cloak. Hades did not try to stop the knife, he rolled his hand under the man’s wrist, drove the man’s arm over and back, and pulled him backward and down. Hades had the knife before the man slammed into the muddy ground and hit him on the forehead with it two hard times. Helios put out a nice stiff left, which he planned to follow with a right cross. He slipped to the left, which threw him off enough so he could step inside the right cross and get a handful of his hair. He pulled his head forward and broke his nose with his head. Still holding his hair in one hand, he got his other hand into his crotch and put his shoulder into him and lifted him off the ground and slammed him down on the hood of the muddy ground. He grunted and went limp. When he stood back, he slowly slid off the hood and look at the three guys who are now slowly approaching. Hades yanked back with his right forearm, snapping the man’s neck like a tree branch.  Helios hit the man with a bad breath, a left hand in the V under his ribs where the sternum ends. It paralyzed his diaphragm, and he gasped and doubled over and then pitched forward onto the sidewalk.  Hades tackled the last man standing, a linebacker drilling a quarterback from the blindside, a clean shoulder-to-shoulder hit that arched man’s spine. The knife clattered from his hand and skittered into the ground. He kept coming, driving his legs, finishing the hit. “That was heavy,” he breathes looking at the five men who is now grunting in pain. “We should go, pile of bodies, pile of men,” Helios stated and fix his coat and he grunted as he notices that his boots were now muddy and wet. “Yes we should, Ysabella might be in danger now,” he said and Helios suddenly got worried which Hades find it something but he completely ignored it, it was not time to think such a thing.  Knight surely did this.
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