1433 Words

Lissana woke up and discover herself in a sofa bed and wrapped with white sheets. She smelled something delicious, which makes her hungry. “You’re awake,” Hades said and laugh. He was wearing an apron and only on his tight boxers and Lissana can see his s*x bulging out. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. God, Lissana wants to think he was sent from above, he is too perfect. He was handsome from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand upon my own. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks every woman or girls would stop just to gaze his face drool all over him. He had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. Hi

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