Chapter Eleven: Mei POV

4867 Words

I don’t know what came over me earlier. I wouldn’t call it snapping, as I wasn’t angry. I suppose the best word is resentful. I felt resentful of Jane. I don’t personally know her, but Chris has told me plenty when he was warning me about people to avoid in the pack. Jane isn’t a ranked wolf or the daughter of a ranked wolf, but her father is a very wealthy man, allowing her family to be very wealthy as well. I don’t remember what he said he does for a living, but either way, it has allowed him to provide very nicely for his family. Jane is someone who has been handed everything in life. She hasn’t had to struggle or fight for anything, and instead of being grateful for what she has, it has made her feel that she is entitled to even more. She bullies and degrades others because she feel

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