Chapter Three: Mei POV

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Looking in the mirror I’m still surprised by the woman who looks back at me. It’s been a few months since I came to the Invictus Pack and the changes in me are more than obvious. My dark, wavey brown hair is now thick and glossy instead of greasy and matted with dirt and dry blood. Chris had the former Gamma female – Evalyn’s mother-in-law – come in and treat my hair to get it looking decent again. It took her hours, but that was only part of the work. My diet has significantly improved since being here, which has not only improved the health of my hair but the rest of me too. The Mei from months ago was skin and bone. My skin almost looked translucent; covered in bruises with veins and bones sticking through the skin. I rarely saw my reflection but when I did it was terrifying. Now my skin has a peachy hue to it and looks healthy and my bones are hidden under skin and muscle where they belong. My brown eyes – that for years were dark and lifeless – now shine a warm chocolate colour. I look and feel like a different person. Getting to this point has not been easy though. When I came to the pack I was looked over by their head doctor, a very nice man with a friendly face and a caring touch. He said I had multiple bones that had healed incorrectly and that is why they still caused me pain. The only way to repair the damage would be to reset the bones. The thought of more pain terrified me, and I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want them to break my bones, even if it would help me. I was too scared and even Chris was near tears. Chris eventually talked me around promising they would sedate me first. I was grateful for that and having Chris close made me heal faster. Just holding his hand soothed the pain I was in. Since coming here I have gotten healthier and stronger. The kind of strength I knew was living inside me all these years but unable to break free. I’ve been able to learn more about myself and get stronger, but I still feel like there is more inside me waiting to come out. I just wish I knew what it was. Chris knew I wasn’t a mutolupus, and it took me a week before I decided to tell him what I was. I know I had promised to keep myself hidden but I knew he was someone I could trust because he’s my animai. I also finally learned what that meant. Your animai is your soulmate, a person Goddess Zarseti chose just for you. You complete each other and make each other stronger, and he does. As terrified as I was, I can’t deny that the moment I saw him I felt an emptiness inside me begin to fill. I felt like I was home. It’s nice to know the Gods didn’t forget about me. Having a soulmate and being saved by him proves that. Revealing what I am to Chris was scary. He was surprised but also in awe. He wanted to know everything about me, but sadly I couldn’t tell him much because, in truth, I’m still learning about myself. Albus Mons took me when I was just five, so the knowledge of my species is limited. I am a nagata; a serpent being, but unlike a mutolupus, I do not have a spirit that resides within me. I am the human, and I am the snake. I am stronger and faster than a wolf with superior senses. I know my mother was a nagata and my father was a mutolupus, yet I am not a hybrid. My mother in her mixed-form was eight feet tall with a tail that was nine meters long with the most beautiful golden scales. She reminded me of a statue of a Goddess. My father’s wolf was named Aiguo, with beautiful grey, white, and black fur and was roughly 4’8”. Together we lived as part of the Tian Pack back in China. They were my family and treated me so well… until the day they didn’t. I am a rare nagata, just like my mother I possess the gift of healing. I can heal any injury or wound. I’ve had this gift since I was born and my mother would always tell me how special I was and taught me how I was supposed to use my gift, but she would never actually let me use it. She told me I should never use my gift in front of anyone else. I never understood why. On top of all this, I have three forms instead of two like a mutolupus. I have only been shifting for the past few weeks, but it feels incredible! Shifting into my snake or mixed-form is exhilarating and freeing. In those forms my scales are indestructible and I’m even faster than in human form. I feel like myself; my true self, not the scared, weak, little girl hiding in a basement from the angry wolves who meant her harm. My true test of strength came two weeks ago as I fought alongside my pack when we were attacked by an army of humans who had been turned into wolves. That day I felt like I found my purpose. I fought for and with my pack. I saved lives; I even saved my Alpha. People don’t fear or shun me here, they welcome me, they care for me, and they praise me. It still feels strange but at the same time, it makes me happy. Mei from a few months ago would not recognise me now. I put on my yellow sports bra, white workout tank top, black leggings and black sneakers and tie up my hair ready for morning training with the pack. Training has become one of my new favourite activities, in fact, I’m now a co-trainer alongside Gamma Tyson – who is my brother-in-law. I help him with training the pack and maintaining pack security, though I’m technically still learning. The duty would traditionally go to his animai Evalyn – who is my sister-in-law. I love having a sister! She is so sweet and caring and she always makes me laugh, but fighting and training isn’t for her, so instead, she assists her brother, Chris in his Delta role handling pack finances. As the female Delta, it should be me doing that, but the Alpha decided to change things. Just as I’m about to step out of the closet, Chris swings me into his arms and plants kisses all over my face making me giggle and squirm. “Chris! Stop!” I cry between laughs. “Stop being so cute then,” he teases as he nuzzles me. I catch my breath smiling up at his shining hazel-green eyes. He’s dressed in a white-fitted t-shirt and workout shorts with his hair up in its usual bun. He’s so dreamy, I’m sure sometimes I’m dreaming him. He’s too perfect to be real. “We’ll be late for training,” I chastise. He shrugs, “I can live with that, we’d still be getting in some exercise,” he says while wiggling his eyebrows making my cheeks turn a bright shade of red. “Besides, you can kick their rears any day,” he points out. I’m still getting used to that fact. “I don’t want to leave a bad impression now that I’m working alongside Tyson.” He sighs and nods in understanding, “I love how thoughtful and dedicated you are,” he says kissing my cheek as he sets me on my feet and takes my hand in his. “Five bucks says Eva whinges about something,” he jokes making me giggle. We make our way out of the Delta suite and downstairs to the training grounds hand in hand. To think a couple months ago I was afraid to leave the suite entirely. Some days are still hard, especially when the really bad nightmares hit, but the panic attacks aren’t as often as they used to be. “Mei, Chris, you’re going to have to be late today, I’d like to speak to you both in my office,” sounds Amelia’s voice behind us. I turn to see Amelia standing in the main foyer with her usual friendly smile. She’s not in workout attire so I guess she’s not joining training today. Oh, I forgot to mention; this pack has a female Alpha and a male Luna! I immediately took a liking to Amelia. Some people hated that she’s the Alpha, even her own animai – but he’s since come around. I think everyone should realise how lucky they are. I lived under the rule of a tyrannical Alpha and Luna so for me, the gender of the leader doesn’t mean anything, as long as they care for their pack and lead it well, that’s all that matters. Amelia takes such good care of her pack and she’s so loving and protective, and though it took time for him to adjust, Marcus is a terrific Luna, because they both love their people. Some of these people don’t know how good they have it, but it’s not my place to teach them that. “Is everything alright?” Chris asks with concern. “Everything is fine, now come on. I’ve already informed Tyson,” she says as she makes her way to the stairs and up to her office. Chris and I look at each other, both of us filled with curiosity making us shrug at the same time, which then makes us burst into a fit of giggles. I love how in sync we are. “I guess we’re going to be late for training after all,” I say as we make our way to Amelia’s office. “Yeah, but this way is less fun,” he sulks. He’s so cute. I love that I get to see his more playful side, he doesn’t show it that often with others. We’re almost on the fourth floor when Luna Marcus nearly crashes into us. “s**t, sorry, sweet girl, you okay?” He asks placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. I smile and nod up at him. He’s taller and bulkier than Chris, but he has a kind face… most of the time. Since he’s been here he treats me like a little sister, it’s really sweet. “How come you’re late for training?” Chris asks. “Blame your Alpha, damn minx,” he grumbles, but the smile on his face says he’s not as upset as he’s pretending to be. “Oh, I’m sure you’re furious with her,” Chris smirks. “Absolutely livid,” he grins. “How come you two aren’t at the training grounds?” He asks curiously. “Alpha wanted to speak to us,” I tell him. “You know she’s going to tell you to cut that out once you go in there,” he smirks. I just giggle and shrug. They all tell me not to use their titles, but it’s hard not to. They are ranked people and Amelia has done so much for me, it feels disrespectful not using her title, especially given how hard she’s fought for it. “Anyway, good luck in there, gotta run,” he says as he zips down the stairs. Chris and I make our way toward Amelia’s office. The door is ajar, so we let ourselves in; or more accurately, Chris walks in and tugs me along. I would have preferred to knock. Chris shuts the door behind us and tucks me under his arm. I love when he does this, I fit perfectly, it’s my safety nook. “What’s going on?” He asks. “I wanted to let you know that as of tomorrow you will be receiving private training sessions,” she announces while looking at me. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “Me? Why?” “Yildiz spoke to her sister, Setia, who has agreed to come to the pack to help you train and teach you all she can about your kind. She has a great deal of experience with nagatas and short of us finding one, she’s the best way for you to learn more about yourself,” she says with a warm smile. “Have I not been good with training?” I quietly ask wringing my fingers together. Chris tightens his hold on me, and I can feel his sympathy and concern. I know this is a good thing, but the insecure and at times irrational voice in my head is speaking the loudest. That’s the part I hate the most, knowing that the things I’m afraid of or worried about aren’t rational and yet it doesn’t make me any less scared or worried. Amelia’s face softens, “You’ve been amazing, Mei, but you will only get stronger if you train with someone who can match you in strength and as strong as I am, I’m secure enough to admit I am no match for you. Don’t get me wrong, I love training with you, it helps make me a better fighter, but you deserve to be as strong as you can be. Let Setia train you. This won’t stop you from training with the pack, if anything it will help you be able to train others better. Not many people can say they were personally trained by an irshiust,” she says proudly. The thought of getting stronger does excite me. I love training with Amelia, but I’ve hurt her so many times and I feel awful each time. She tells me not to feel bad, and thankfully she heals fast, but she’s right. I keep getting stronger and if I’m not careful I could easily kill someone, so during training, I do my best to hold back and I rarely train in my shifted form. I remember how easily that woman had the Albus Mons Alpha by his neck like he was tissue paper in her hand. If this Setia is strong like that too, then maybe I don’t need to hold back and I can become a better fighter, strong enough to protect myself and the pack. This pack means everything to me, and I want to keep them safe. I look up at Chris to see him smiling down at me, I can feel his encouragement through our bond. He places a soft kiss on my forehead and those insecurities that were worming around in my brain start to retreat as electrical tingles spread through my body. His kisses are magical. I open my eyes and smile over at Amelia, my decision made. “I’ll do it. I want to get stronger, and I want to learn more about who I am and what I can do. If she can help me with that, then I want to do this,” I say with newfound determination. “That’s my girl,” Chris coos wrapping his arms around me. “I was hoping you’d say that,” smiles Amelia. “You’re going to do great and I’m so excited for you,” she says genuinely. “Where is she coming from?” I ask with my arms around Chris. “The Delegation are based in Turkey,” she tells me making my eyes bulge. “Turkey?” I frown in confusion. If they all live in Turkey, how did the one who saved me get to the pack so fast? Was she nearby? “What has you so confused, my love?” Asks Chris. “I was just wondering how the woman who saved me from the Alpha was able to get to us so fast. One minute she was on the phone and then she was right there,” I say, my confusion clear in my voice. “That was Defne, and she used one of their resident makkares. Irshiusts are fast, faster than even you, but not travel across the world in under a minute fast,” she chuckles. “The Delegation work all over the world and will only come immediately in an emergency, such as yours. They have a couple makkares who live at the Kartheca with them who help transport them to places they need to be,” she explains. “What’s a makkari?” I ask curiously. “Do you remember that movie we were watching with the witches in it?” Chris asks. I nod remembering it. There were good witches and bad witches, people with magical powers and there were people hunting them, even the good witch. “Well, makkari is what they are really called. Like how stories about us wolves got a lot wrong, the world got a lot wrong about them too. But they are real and can wield magic and cast spells. They can travel anywhere they want with their magic, and they can do it for others too,” he explains. Oh, wow. Witches… I mean makkari’s, are real? How come humans get everyone’s names so wrong? ‘Witch’ sounds nothing like ‘makkari’. Maybe something got lost in translation. I learned that the hard way when learning English. “So they can do magic? What kind of magic?” I ask curiously. “I don’t know, I’ve never actually met one. Only read about them or learned about them from Amelia. She’s met the ones who live at the Kartheca, which is where the Delegation resides. Think of it like their packhouse; their home.” I look to Amelia eagerly hoping she can tell me more about makkares. She chuckles holding her hands up in surrender, “I can’t tell you much either I’m afraid. They seem very protective of their magic, and I didn’t wish to be disrespectful. I only know the bare minimum,” she admits. “Feel free to ask Setia when she arrives, she would know everything there is to know. Irshiusts are well versed on the ins and outs of every supernatural species that exists, it comes with the job,” she shrugs. There’s still so much for me to learn, not just about the supernatural world but life in general. I missed out on any sort of education and have had to learn everything from the start, even things like how to read and maths. I’m still learning how to read, but I’m getting much better – or so Chris tells me. Chris is so smart and he’s a whiz at maths so he’s perfect at teaching me. He was teaching me basic multiplications in the dining hall the other day and a she-wolf named Jane started making comments on how I should be an expert at math because I’m Asian. I didn’t understand what my country of birth had to do with my knowledge of maths, but Chris was enraged. His wolf Axel nearly ripped her apart and ended up making her do chores for a week. Chris is as sweet as the candy he smells like, but he’s very protective and can turn very aggressive if you insult or threaten someone he cares about. I was scared when I first saw him like that because I didn’t understand what was going on, but now I do. He was protective of me; he was angry and hurting on my behalf, so now when I see him like this it doesn’t scare me. Other wolves sometimes still scare me, but never Chris and Axel, they love me and take good care of me, they would never ever hurt me. After Amelia’s announcement we join training but as time goes on the excitement I had, started to wear off and panic began to take over. I’m not good with meeting new people, now I’m going to meet a new person who is much stronger than I am. What if I say or do something wrong? She’s going to teach me more about my species, but what if it’s bad news? What if she tells me I don’t belong in a pack and I need to leave? A million thoughts are running through my head each making me more panicked than the one before. A headache is forming, a new layer of heat is spreading through me bringing a coat of sweat making my skin feel clammy and it has nothing to do with training. My heart is hammering, and the speed is making my chest ache. My ears are burning, and I feel as though my insides are about to explode while simultaneously feeling like I’m being crushed by an invisible weight. My body shakes with adrenaline and a feel the sting of tears in my eyes. I’m trying to calm down but all I can hear is the Albus Mons’ Luna’s voice in my head telling me how useless I am and how everything is my fault as she beats me into submission. I can’t hear what’s happening around me, but I can faintly see the person I’m sparring with, but the panic consuming me keeps me frozen in place and I don’t even realise my opponent has punched me in the face until I feel electricity running up and down my arms and over my face as Chris’ concerned voice screams my name. I focus my eyes in front of me and see his hazel-green eyes staring back at me with so much tenderness and worry. I feel his worry through our bond as it compounds on my own. “Mei. Mei, look at me, my love. Remember what Eric taught you. Start naming pack members, you can do it,” his sweet voice rings in my head giving me a moment of clarity. “We’re right here for you, just keep breathing,” adds Axel’s concerned yet soothing voice. Normally for a mutolupus, the human side can’t hear the wolf side until the wolves have mated, but I guess since I’m not a mutolupus, marking and mating with me was enough. Instantly I could hear Axel the same as I can hear Chris. I was so happy I cried. I feared I’d never hear Axel’s voice in my mind, and I know Axel was overjoyed he’d be able to speak to me. I look in Chris’ eyes as I try to find my voice and try to control my breathing like Axel said. Speaking feels exhausting, but I know I have to try. “A-A-Alpha Am-elia Dolivo… L-Luna Marcus H-Hayda,” I whisper, each word feeling as though it’s zapping my energy. “That’s it, you’re doing amazing, keep going,” he encourages, his hands still gently cupping my face; his thumbs softly brushing against my cheeks; the tingles soothing me a little more at a time. “Beta… Vitali Hughes,” I take in a large lungful of air and let it out with a shudder that I feel in my stomach. “Beta Eric Hughes… um…” What’s the next name? It’s right there, what is it? I shake my head trying to focus on the list in my head. “Gamma Tyson Grey, Gamma Evalyn Grey, Delta Chris Melgren,” saying his name helps me remember he’s right here, right in front of me. It’s his hands holding me, it’s his voice guiding me and then I realise the panic had stopped. My mind has cleared up. I reach out and hold a hand to his cheek, his beard scratching my palm. He turns his head kissing my palm softly, making my hand tingle. “That a girl. Do you need to keep going?” He gently asks. I shake my head. His physical contact and the exercise Eric taught me did the trick and I can feel myself calming down. The adrenaline that pumped through me, triggering my fight or flight has now left me feeling fatigued. When Eric realised I suffer from panic attacks he gave me a mental exercise to do when I feel them coming on. He had me name everything in the room that was yellow. I didn’t understand why, but then he pointed out that while I was busy focusing on the task, my panic had slowed down. My brain was forced to focus on something in the here and now and it allowed whatever brought on the panic to slip away. At the time I was trying to learn everyone’s names and titles so I decided when I would have an attack I’d try to recall that list, and the shocking thing was, it worked. The more severe attacks aren’t stopped, but smaller ones I can stop through this exercise. “Take her inside, Chris. Go help her recuperate,” says Marcus. It’s only now I realise there’s a crowd around me and I instantly feel uncomfortable. Everyone is looking at me with concern, but none more concerned than, Chris, my gentle giant. My sparring partner looks pale for some reason. “I can keep going, I’m fine,” I say in a meek voice as I get up on shaky legs with Chris supporting me. I don’t even recall falling down. “He’s right, Mei. Let’s just go take it easy,” Chris says gently while placing a tender kiss on my temple. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb the session,” I say shamefully. I’ve never had an attack during training before. “Everyone back to sparring!” Tyson orders everyone with his Gamma Spirit. Everyone quickly obeys as he moves closer to me. “You have done nothing wrong; you hear me? But you need to give yourself the time to calm yourself fully. Your attack came on so fast you just let Petra sucker punch you. You didn’t even seem to notice it,” he says with concern. I vaguely remember a fist coming my way. I reach up touching my face, but I don’t feel any pain. If she hit me hard enough to hurt me then it already healed while I was busy panicking, so it doesn’t even matter. I look around at all their concerned, compassionate faces. Never pity or looking down on me but looking at me like a family member they can’t stand to see in pain. I let out a sigh and realise I should take their advice. I’m no good training like this, and I do feel worn out from that attack, so it’s for the best. “I’ll go inside. I apologise again for the disturbance,” I say glumly as I lower my head. No matter how strong I think I’m getting, I realise I’m still weak in so many other ways and I hate it. “You have nothing to apologise for, sweet girl. Hell, most of them probably thought this would mean they had an excuse to get out of training,” Marcus jokes. I give him a half-hearted smile. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do,” I hear Eric say. I hadn’t noticed him come over either. “We will, thank you, but I think she just needs to be alone right now,” Chris tells them.
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