Chapter Twenty-Two: Chris POV

3869 Words

Where am I? I swear just a moment ago I was on the training ground feeling like I was dying because… Oh Gods, Mei. The pain I felt was someone… someone was… I clutch my chest unable to say the words. My love… someone touched her; violated her because I wasn’t there to protect her. I thought the pain I was feeling from her absence was agony but this… there are no words for this. I need to get to Mei, but I have no idea where I am or how I got here. “I do,” I hear Axel say as something presses against my back. I turn around and nearly jump out of my skin. Standing in front of me at 6’1” with black and brown fur is none other than my wolf Axel, but how is this even possible? “Axel, is that you?” I ask in astonishment. He nods his head, “In the flesh, so to speak,” he says in my mind. “

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