Chapter Thirty-Four. - Never Be Boring.

1701 Words

Chapter Thirty-Four. - Never Be Boring. Alpha Delicious Point of View. The burn in my thighs as I reach the top of the UK’s highest mountain, shows me that I really do need to up the training at my pack. However, despite that, I am very glad King Fredrick and Prince Hamish came and all but demanded I come on this ‘easy’ walk with them. Yeah, it was not so easy for me, and has served to highlight that despite all the farm work I do, I need to get my head back into more vigorous exercise. Especially as I have my human Luna to protect. The little minx herself, Miss Hannah. I sip at my coffee, which Fredrick had packed for me in a blue flask. It is not bad, and I am grateful for the refreshment, and the hit of caffeine after the steep climb. I hardly caught a wink of sleep last n

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