Chapter Sixty – One. The Gossip Group.

2010 Words

Chapter Sixty – One. The Gossip Group. Hannah’s point of view. The last four days have been pure bliss. Del and I have made love, then made love some more. Long gone are the memories of the damage that happened when we mated and marked, and to say that we fit each other like a hand in a glove is no understatement. However, right now, although I am straddling my mate, I am not riding him into glorious oblivion. No, I am fully concentrated on my task at hand. Placing my own, unique mark on my mates marking spot. The hum of the tattoo gun fills the silence between us, as I fill in the last of my mark. The tattoo that will show everyone, human and werewolf alike that this delicious man belongs to one person, and one person only. Me. I move the tattoo gun in its final movement, ensur

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