Chapter Forty-Three. Mating Moon, Here We Come.

1302 Words

Chapter Forty-Three. Mating Moon, Here We Come. Hannah’s Point of View. I am fuming. I have never been so mad in my life! Bloody Asher and his pranks. He needs to grow the f**k up. Seriously, he is the damned king! Don’t get me wrong, I love my cousin, and serve the king, but right at this moment, I could seriously throttle him! Last night was torture for both Del and I, and I know my mate is as pissed as I am. Well, he need not worry, because mark my words, I will get my own back. I cannot plan what I will do, when I will do it, or discuss it with anyone, because he will see that coming in his visions, but one day, a crazy situation will present itself and I will pounce, and what I do know, for sure, whatever I do will be totally embarrassing for him. Anyway, I am busy making ‘nic

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