Chapter Thirty-One- Revenge A Dish Best Served By A Colton Girl.

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Chapter Thirty-One- Revenge A Dish Best Served By A Colton Girl. Hannah’s Point of View. I kind of feel guilty, as a wave of anxiousness comes off my Mate, as he strides, looking more confident than he feels, towards my Dad. “Alpha Colton,” Del begins, as Dad looks at him, then at me his face contorted slightly, a clear indication he is not happy with me or my mate. I guess I went too far in the wind-up. Oops. Sorry, Dad. Sorry, Del. I best get my arse over there, to reassure my dad that nothing happened and that I am not going to reject my mate. The sound of my red bottom heels clinks against the old stone floor, as I make my way over to two of the most important men in my life. “Daddy,” I smile up at my father, who narrows his eyes at me, a deep furrow on his brow. “Don’t yo

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