Chapter Sixty-Four. Protection.

1965 Words

Chapter Sixty-Four. Protection. Hannah’s Point of view. 36 hours and 27 minutes. That is how long I have been in my new pack. Most of my time has been spent with Anna, as it seems she has been doing the job of both Beta and Luna, for many years now. Are there area’s I would like to change? Yes. Don’t get me wrong, she has done a great job, but there are things that I believe can be streamlined. However, I know only to well, that to much change will cause resentment. So, for now, I am going to leave things running as they are, then slowly introduce new changes, so the pack doesn’t feel overwhelmed by them. “So, William and Jayne are heading over tomorrow, after I have left for London. I will be there only two days this week, for some meetings, then I will return. Do they have a specif

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