Chapter Ten. Time To Earn My Keep.

1130 Words
Chapter Ten. Time To Earn My Keep. Hannah’s Point of View. Sitting here on the floor of the Silverback pack house, playing with my niece, Yasmin, there is nothing within me that wants to leave my home today. I have missed out on so much family time over the past four years. My niece and nephew, along with my baby twin brother and sister. They are all growing up so fast. Plus, I realize just how bad I have gotten with training. The first morning was brutal, not helped by the moonshine hangover. However, I think I would have struggled irrespective of drinking Uncle Robin's Whiskey, which has been banned from Crescent Moon, by order of the King's mother, Aunty Chloe, again. Yeah, let's see how long that lasts. I give it a few days at the most. Currently, I am having a Lama tea party. It is pretty much like a teddy bear picnic only, with hundreds of stuffed Lama’s Yasmin courtesy of my dad. I glance at the clock, with less than an hour to go before I need to leave. Asher had already warned me that Liane would be picking me up at two pm today. I just hope that this little mission of mine will be peacefully resolved and over with quickly, so I can get back here, and resume my break. “Aunty Hannah, I love you,” Yasmin tells me out of the blue. I wrap the gorgeous little girl up in my arms, my fellow little human, and snuggle her tightly. “I love you too, so much,” I tell her. The declaration from my niece caused a mixture of emotions to rise. Joy that she loves me. But also, sadness, that if I continue working the way I am, I am going to miss out on so much more. People think how great it must be to have a clear prophetic word that indicates the course of your life, but they have no clue about the sacrifice you need to make to fulfil the vision or the weight of expectations that lie heavily on your shoulders. There are times when I just wish I was ‘normal’, to not have the constant worry about how humans and werewolves are reacting to each other. I sound like I don’t love my work. I do, it’s just sometimes it is too much, and I still feel like life is passing me by. Maybe I was too quick to break things off with Levi. Shit, I am being overly emotional again, and I need to stick my hand up my arse and pull myself together. I am blessed, truly blessed, with a huge crazy family that I love more than life itself, and who loves me just as fiercely. I need to focus on what I have, and not what I am missing. “Hey, Hannah. Do you think you will return today?” Bea my sister-in-law and Luna of the pack, and fellow human, asks as she walks into the room. “I honestly don’t know, I hope so,” I shrug, as she sits beside me, and joins in the game with Yasmin. “Me too. It is great having you here,” Bea gives me a soft smile and squeezes my arm slightly. Bea and I have developed a good strong friendship after my brother found her a few years ago just before the great awakening. She is human, so is Yasmin, and my niece is MY niece, just as much as her brother is my nephew, the same as Zan is her dad, but her biological father is human. A man who never bothered with her and didn’t want the responsibility of fatherhood. Bea had been the victim of a man promising her the world, getting what he wanted and buggering off without a second glance. However, we are all glad that happened, in a weird sort of way, because if he had stepped up and taken care of his responsibilities, then that could and would have affected the mate bond between her and my brother. That doesn’t bear thinking about. After all, we know the hurt and pain that my cousin Becca’s mate, Fredrick, went through daily, after what happened with his human mate who was married with kids before he met her. But that is a whole other story and one that is not mine to share. “Well, I guess I am about to find out if I can get back tonight,” I state, looking at the clock as the large hand ticks over to the hour, I know Liane, she is nothing if not prompt. “Yasmin, give Aunty Hannah another hug, she will see you soon,” Bea tells her daughter, and I am suddenly engulfed in a pair of tiny arms, which fills my heart with love. I noticed that Bea didn’t tell my niece that I would be back tonight because we all know, that it is highly doubtful that I will be. As Yasmin lets go of me and returns to her larma tea party, Liane appears out of nowhere. “Hey girl,” she grins at me, and the pair of us hug. “Are you ready to go?” Liane asks. “Yeah, I suppose, thank you for doing this,” I smile at her. “No worries. I will drop you off, but I cannot hang around, the Spanish council are coming for a meeting with Teo, and he needs me and Marcus in that meeting,” Liane shrugs. “Okay, I understand,” I smile at her. ”But text me when you are ready to head back, and I will be there in a flash,” Liane smirks. I truly appreciate this woman and all she does for us. She is amazing, and as much a part of the family as those born into it. “Hopefully see you tonight,” Bea smiles at me as I stand up, wondering if I should have worn my business attire, rather than the jeans and hoody I am wearing. However, I am going to deal with a pack, and a bunch of farmers, so I think a pair of heels and a tight skirt would be more troublesome than helpful in that situation. I guess I am about to find out though, because no sooner than I wave my to my sister-in-law and Neice I am floating through the black void, and within one blink of my eyes, I am standing in a farmer's field that stinks of s**t, surrounded by thick smoke, that feels like it is choking my lungs, and all hell looks like it has broken loose. Guess it is time to earn my keep!
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