Chapter Fifty-Seven. Don’t. Mess. With. My. Mate.

2118 Words

Chapter Fifty-Seven. Don’t. Mess. With. My. Mate. Hannah’s Point of View. Two minutes, and forty-seven seconds. That is how long it took me to have Gift rolling the floor, squealing like a banshee, begging for mercy. I know this because I counted down the seconds as I lured him closer to me, then BAM a knee to the nut sack, quickly followed up with my hands around his neck and me shouting “Dead” loud enough for the whole field to hear. Del came over, chuckling to himself, and looked down at his brother's pained face. “What have we learned today, Alpha?” Del asked him, a smug look on his face. You know the one that I love to hate. Well, right now, I just love it. “f**k off!” Gift cried out in utter agony, as Jayne looked at me wide-eyed, half worried about her son, and half impr

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