Chapter 4: The Unexplained

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Claire's POV "I know you already know what she can do, Russell..." As the day drew close, Patricia and the rest of her group joined us. She guided us to the ladies' room. Russell explained to Patricia that being present at her birthday celebration was unfeasible. Not because we don't want to, but because we don't want any trouble. Patricia's reputation precedes her, and crossing her is akin to entering a blazing inferno. "Am I so important that you don't want me to attend your party?" Russell asked. "Well, our families are well-known and wealthy, and we look out for each other." "What do you want from me?" With a sly grin, Patricia turned her gaze toward us. "I'd like for you to come to my party. Fear not. I only invited a few people to my birthday party. And you're my lucky choice." "Seriously? Lucky?" I asked. "Oh, bring a gift," Patricia said. "Let's go, guys." Patricia averted her gaze from us, and her companions trailed behind her. My gaze was fixed on Russell. "Are you going?" I drew a long, slow breath and cast a fleeting gaze toward Russell. - Ryker's POV After meeting with the client, I reclined on the sofa in my office. Exhaustion and a throbbing headache assail me because I didn't get enough sleep. The family doctor has also given me a prescription for medicine, but I haven't bought it yet. Time eludes me, and the desire is absent. I want you to get a good night's sleep. My phone rang just as I closed my eyes for a moment. It rang several times before I answered, and I didn't even look to see who was calling. "Hey, man, are you at work?" My gaze shifted towards the illuminated screen as a voice emanated from the other end of the line. Daniel's name made me grin too. "Dude, you're still alive! I'm at my office. Are you going to haunt me here, too?" I joked. "I'll see you there," Daniel said, his voice muffled by the bustling background noise. A smile graced my lips. Finally, I have someone to talk to. Daniel's absence left me feeling exceedingly bored. Four years ago, my nights were filled with adventures to bars and dating women, but that is a chapter of my life that has since closed. Frequenting social gatherings has become a less typical pastime for me recently. Daniel and I occasionally find ourselves as the sole imbibers and partners. Yet, we refrain from indulging to the extent of our past and avoid winding up at the domicile with s****l activities. I inhaled deeply and directed my gaze toward my cell phone. Upon opening **, my attention was immediately drawn to Claire's latest post. She stood atop the railings of the school building, gazing intently at the setting sun as its warm rays caressed her stunning face. The caption read, "I wish you were here," and was topped off by a heart emoji. I softly clicked the heart icon beneath the picture before closing my eyes. - "Sir, wake up!" As I stirred from my sleep, a sensation akin to a gentle caress roused me from my dreams. I opened my eyes and saw my secretary standing in front of me. "Sir, are you okay?" I rose from my position and cradled my weary eyes. "Damn, I fell asleep. How many minutes did I sleep?" "Well, you've been asleep for over two hours." "What?" I glanced down at my wristwatch. "Damn. Where is Daniel?" "Oh, he's not here yet, sir," said Tess. "Would you care for a cup of coffee, sir? Or do you feel sick? Would you care for some medicine?" "Nay, only coffee. I'll call Daniel." I uttered it softly, my voice barely above a whisper. Without delay, Tess left, and I got my phone from the couch. I dialed Daniel's number. And he answered before the three rings. "Where have you been, man?" I asked Daniel on the other line. "I'm on my way, and I'm sure you'll be happy with what I'm going to say." "Really? Be quick." I uttered. "I want to know what your gossip is about." Daniel didn't say anything. With a satisfied grin, I ended the call. - Daniel arrived at my office to visit me. Initially, an invitation for coffee was extended by him, but due to my impending departure in a few hours, I declined. Consequently, Daniel made his way to my office. "What? Did she say that?" I was stunned. Daniel recounted his encounter with Alice, a former flame with whom I had lost touch following our breakup. Occasionally, I catch a glimpse of her amidst the bustling halls of the university, where she holds the esteemed position of professor. However, our paths never cross in conversation, and I need to make more effort to initiate such an encounter. Our gazes sometimes meet, yet she is often the first to avert her eyes. "Is she still mad at me to this day? Maybe that's why Alice doesn't show up when I pick up Russell from school." A chuckle escaped my lips. "You probably haven't moved on just yet." Daniel brought the warm ceramic mug to his lips with a delicate touch and took a small sip of the rich, aromatic coffee. Daniel and I stood facing each other in the lounge of my office. "I have moved on, and you know it," I said. With a contented sip of my coffee, I cast a warm smile in Daniel's direction. I'm curious if Daniel thinks I've moved on from Alice. I refrain from divulging any information regarding my peculiar sentiments towards Claire to him. "Oh, by the way, Russell told me. She said you woke her up and scared her last night. Is it true?" I asked. "Unfortunately, I accidentally dialed her number while shooting at the syndicates. And I mistakenly put my phone in my pocket. I don't know what happened, and I didn't do it intentionally. You know me, Ryks, when I'm in a situation like that, I don't do anything or get anyone involved." Daniel told me what had happened. A chuckle escaped my lips, for the reasoning behind his explanation eluded me. "She was upset and told me that the next day while I was driving her to school. She was mad at you even though you worried about her." I said. As Daniel was poised to sip his coffee, my sudden comment caught him off guard. I could see confusion and surprise on Daniel's face. "You're both hilarious. When you argue, it's like being in a relationship." I said. With a steaming cup of coffee, I gazed intently at Daniel. "Did Russell admit it to you?" A furrow formed between Daniel's brows as he scowled. "Confess what?" I inhaled deeply. "Nothing. Let's go to a bar after. For several days, I have been plagued by an unrelenting sense of stress that refuses to dissipate." Daniel laughed at me. "Stress about what? Business? You know how to run your business so well that you can do it even if you close your eyes. Or maybe about not having "release." Damn, I'm using "maryang palad" so that I can "release" even from behind the trees." Daniel said. "There's a new "fleshlight" now, so you don't need to callus your palm just for that. Also, my stress isn't about the "release." "Is Fleshlight better?" A chuckle escaped my lips. "Yeah, it feels like the real thing." "Damn it, I should have that," Daniel said. "Shall we go later?" his voice betrayed a hint of uncertainty. A smirk graced my lips. "I'm looking for something different. Do you know about a new pub?" "No. You know I spend more time working in the field than hanging out." "In that case, one of my employees told me about it. They say they go to a bar where there are a lot of attractive women. We will get there later." I curved my lips upward and uttered. "You're good at doing surveys. Why didn't you become a policeman? We could work together." chuckled Daniel. "Haist, if I became a police officer, I'd be a headache at the academy. "You" is sufficient. I'd rather be in business than take a bullet every day." I said. Daniel shook his head in disbelief.
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