Chapter 4: The Call of Fate

1784 Words
Aaron’s POV The air at the breakfast table the next morning was tense. Shadow refused to talk to me after I declared that I was going to follow the Alpha's advice and find a chosen mate. To be honest, I did not want to, but I respected the Alpha a lot and trusted his advice. After all, seven years without a mate was quite long for The Moon Valley pack. We were known for our strong mate bond and almost everyone found their wolves rather quickly and without much trouble, which made it a little embarrassing that the Beta of the pack was mateless. “Aaron, is everything okay? You’re being weirdly quiet?” Mother asked as she eyed me with suspicion. Quickly picking up the glass of juice in front of me, I gulped it down before I shrugged my shoulders at her. “Yes, Mother. Everything is fine. I was just thinking, that’s all.” “Thinking? About what? Perhaps, choosing a mate?” Father chimed in using his famed serious tone. It was interesting how despite being the Beta of the pack and a high-ranked wolf that people looked up to, I was still treated like a little pup by my Father, the former Beta of the pack. There was no doubt that he respected me and my position, but he reminded me of his seniority from time to time and today was no exception. Exhaling sharply, my forehead furrowed at him. “Actually, I—” “Beta Aaron?” Rez, one of the pack warriors, barged into the dining hall hurriedly and scanned around it for me. Normally, such rude and forceful behavior was abstained by all pack members except the Alpha, but Rez was no ordinary pack warrior. Rez Guzman was the manager of my security firm in the city that I hired to manage the company so that I didn’t have to travel back and forth constantly. We always communicated through video calls and phone calls, but he had never—and I mean, never—barged in looking for me, which meant that whatever it was, it was clearly an emergency. “Rez? What are you doing here? What’s wrong?” I demanded immediately as I got up from my seat. He looked around at my family around the table and then straight at me. “It’s about a client, but, could we talk in private, Beta Aaron?” “Certainly. Let’s go to my office.” Nodding at him, I shifted my attention to my family and addressed them, “I’m sorry for the disruption to your breakfast. Please continue.” My heavy footsteps echoed through the hallway and into the elevator as we headed up to my office located on the second-to-top floor. The Alpha, Beta, and Gamma had their own personal section of the main building packhouse, where the Alpha’s family took the top floor, the Beta occupied the second-to-top floor and the Gamma’s floor was below the Beta. The rest of the pack members stay in the adjoining buildings connected to the main packhouse in harmony. “Alright then. Tell me, Rez. What was so important that you needed to come all the way here to talk to me in person?” I asked him as I took my seat in my chair behind my desk. Rez slumped into the seat opposite me and sighed. “We got a call from a well-known billionaire requiring our services, but he refuses to discuss the details with us. He is insisting on only talking to the CEO of the firm directly and face-to-face.” “Seriously? What does he want from me that he can’t get from you? Who is this guy anyway?” I questioned him as I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. Pulling out his phone, Rez scrolled through it before looking up at me. “Mr. Eric Prentiss, CEO of Prentiss Technologies.” “Ah, so just another spoiled human billionaire. Fine, ring him up on video call now and I’ll talk to him,” I instructed as I turned my laptop toward Rez. Leaning back against my chair, I exhaled sharply at the new event that had interrupted my day. At first, my plan was to meet the Alpha after breakfast and tell him about my decision of choosing a mate, but the security firm was important to me too since it was my bread and butter that supported both my family and the pack. So, choosing a mate had to wait, after all, I had waited for seven years, and waiting for a few hours wouldn’t be a problem. “Mr. Prentiss, good morning. Are you able to talk? I have our CEO here for you,” Rez said after a few minutes. A gruff, stern voice echoed through my office. “It’s about time. Where is he?” Something about his voice unsettled both me and Shadow, but I brushed it aside quickly. Rez looked at me from over the laptop to confirm if I was ready and I nodded in response as I called him over with my fingers. The laptop turned around and my eyes met the blue eyes of the so-called renowned billionaire that I had never seen before. “Good morning Mr. Prentiss. My name is Aaron Evans, the CEO of Moonshine Prime Security. How can I help you?” “Ah, Mr. Evans, we finally meet at last. Although, I told your manager that I need to meet you in person,” he replied as his eyes narrowed at me. Arching my eyebrow at him, I asked, “Aren’t we doing that right now? Sure, it’s not physically in person but given the distance between us, this seems to be the likeliest option. Anyway, please tell me how I can be of assistance?” “No! I need to talk to you in person. The issue is highly important and is top secret. I can’t afford for this information to leak out online or something. So, I need you to come down to New York immediately so that we can discuss this at once,” Mr. Prentiss instructed me at once and Shadow growled within me at the way he was ordering me. Exhaling sharply, I shook my head. “I’m afraid that highly unlikely, Mr. Prentiss. I can’t just drop everything to fly out from Washington to New York just because you want to meet me personally. I assure you that our connection is secure and whatever you say to me stays between me and my manager. I am sure we can work out something over a video call.” “Listen to me, Mr. Evans. I will pay you for your time and for your journey here. Business class flight tickets, a limousine with a driver, luxurious meals throughout your trip, as well as a generous check as p*****t for your valuable time. Just please get down here before I lose my mind and do something I would regret, because if that happens, trust me, I will hold you personally responsible. Do we have a deal?” the stubborn spoiled billionaire offered as his jaw locked. It was clearly obvious that whatever reason he needed to meet me was urgent and important, which left me with no choice. Although I was enraged that he had threatened me in a way, I couldn’t risk the name of my security firm being jeopardized, especially by someone of his prestige. Biting back my tongue, I plastered a fake smile on my face. “Okay, Mr. Prentiss. You drive a hard bargain and you seem desperate. So, I will get on the earliest flight out and my manager will keep you updated. I’ll see you soon, Mr. Prentiss.” Shutting my laptop, I turned my attention to my manager. “Rez, make the necessary arrangements for me to go there.” “Certainly. Do you need me to come along, Beta?” he offered kindly. Shaking my head, I got up from my chair. “No. You head back to the city and manage the security firm. I’ll go and see what this stubborn human wants.” “I have to say, Beta, he was quite rude to you. Why did you still agree to meet him?” Rez asked me curiously as he approached me. A loud sigh escaped my lips. “Trust me, Rez, it was not easy. Shadow growled and I was unhappy too, but I didn’t want him to malign the name of our security firm. Let me go and see what he wants first, then we’ll decide how to deal with him.” A few minutes later, Rez excused himself to make the necessary arrangements while I headed down to the lobby to go about my pack business. Just as I stepped out of the elevator on the ground floor, Alpha Ryan approached me with a smile on his face. “Beta Aaron, I was told by Gamma Tristan that you were inquiring about me this morning. Is everything okay?” he asked as he hugged me and patted my back. Part of me wanted to tell him about my decision, but another part of me felt that with the new task I had on hand, it wasn’t the right time. “Y…yes, Alpha. There was something, but it’s not important right now.” “Are you sure? You do look like something is troubling you.” Alpha Ryan’s forehead furrowed as he began to stroke his chin. Nodding my head, I forced out a smile. “Yes, Alpha. Oh, by the way, I have to fly out to New York today. My security firm has a client that is insisting to meet me in person to discuss the deal, so I’m going there today. I hope you and Gamma Tristan can manage without me till I get back. I’m sorry for the short notice.” “It’s not a problem. Go ahead and take care of your business, Aaron. Just remember to be careful. There are rouge wolves and evil humans everywhere. Keep an eye out for them and stay safe,” Alpha advised as he clasped my shoulder comfortingly. Nodding in agreement, I smiled. “I will, Alpha. Thank you for your concern.” “I’m always here for you, Aaron,” he replied before walking away and joining his mate in the distance. Letting out a sigh, I watched them walking away hand in hand before my phone vibrated in my pocket with an email with my business class flight ticket. Looks like choosing a mate would have to wait till I get back.
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