Chapter 69 : No More Lilies

1880 Words

*Zara* It felt like things just kept coming up, and my situation was growing worse and worse. Still, I tried to stay hopeful because this could reveal what was blocking our mate bond. I hoped it did. On the way to the palace with a bunch of Drogomor guards, I expressed my concern to Noah. “This is adding to the list of everything wrong lately." “I understand. I am happy to hear that given the markings are seen only in the moon, they're likely not malicious." “I guess. But I can't get out of my head the implication that I need to be protected from… something." “Those marks won't be the only thing protecting you, Zara." I smiled at Noah, overjoyed with how determined he sounded. Just like with the lily situation, he was there for me. It touched my heart so much. After a relatively

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