Chapter 9 : The Luna Lily

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*Noah* Being this close to Zara again, I couldn't help but notice her wonderful floral scent. The gorgeous woman before me was so confident, and I resisted the urge to gently move a strand of hair behind her ear as we spoke. I didn't know why I felt disappointed by her answer. I let out an annoyed breath and began to search through my mind to determine why she was so persistent. Here she was, trying to matchmake me, despite me trying to chase her off. I was frustrating her, that much I could tell, which gave me a pang of guilt every so often. This whole situation did, but it was for the better that it happened this way. She was trying to establish her career based on some fairy tale. Sure, that may work for most, though not in a magical way. It was more like that they connected through her research and just fit well together. There was no one like that for me, and it would not work. I understood what she was trying to do, but I was not going to play along. “Foolish folklore," I said finally, refocusing my stare on her. The way the light hit her eyes was alluring, and it was hard to tear away from them, frustratingly enough. She would be gone soon, and those meaningless thoughts were pointless. “What?" she asked, probably still thinking about my last question. “Your magical Luna Lilly," I said. I moved one hand from resting on the wall to the side of her shoulder to make 'jazz hands' with it, emphasizing just how seriously I was about to take her nonsense folklore. “It isn't," she insisted, narrowing her eyes. “Oh, it is," I said. “You want to get this over with to save your career. I understand that. But there is no flower that will find a fated mate. It is just idealistic nonsense. None of that has any bearing on choosing a real-life partner, Zara." I tried to get her to understand. “But it does, Noah," she said. I had to scold myself inwardly for being so taken by her confidence and determination, even if it was being applied in a ridiculous place. “I know it in my soul," she added. “It's my power, and I have used it for others. I want to use it for you as well." “For your job, right?" I growled, causing her to flinch a bit. She still didn't glance away, but I felt a pang of guilt there. I sighed, then finally mumbled sarcastically, “Sorry—for my 'happiness' too." “Yes, for that as well," she admitted begrudgingly. She probably avoided saying that so I wouldn't turn on the seduction again, I thought. I wasn't thinking about that quite so much right now, even though I had her backed up against the wall again and my wolf was pushing at me to do something more. In a tired tone, I said, “Well, that is not possible. Whatever you do works for everyone else. It will not work for me, Zara. You can come to accept that I'll take Serena as a mate and be done with it unless you would like to stand in her place. Which," I said, a slow smile creeping on my face, “can be arranged." “No," she said stubbornly. “Look, Noah. Are you willing to wed and have children with someone without even attempting to find your fated match first? That will only lead to misery. Even if the Luna Lily is all a fantasy, which it isn't, you don't even know Serena. There is no love in this match… none." “How would you know?" I said, irritated. “You have no mate of your own." She gave me a withering glare, and I let out a sigh. “Fine. Common sense. I get it. It changes nothing, Zara." I let that hang in the air, my brow furrowed. Zara remained silent, clearly trying to think of something else to say to me. After a pause, I mumbled, “Look, Zara. My soul, my heart, it's in pain. Okay? It is not something I wanted to admit, but you're a sweet, beautiful, and idealistic woman. I genuinely admire that about you." She raised her brows in surprise, tilting her head. That adorable way her eyes lit up for just a moment caused my heart to skip a beat. I wondered if this little matchmaker knew how charming she was. I figured she probably did. “Thank you," she said. For a moment, a faint smile rested on her face. That smile could light up the room. The way her lips curved up slightly was so beautiful, it took everything not to slowly lean forward and capture her in a kiss. But now was definitely not the time. My thoughts shifted back to Mirabel. Despite how much Zara genuinely reminded me of her, I wasn't going to let that distract me. She needed to know the truth about why I was acting like this. “Anyway, I'm expected to be some unmovable stone. I'm an Alpha Heir, here to lead the pack someday." I gave a light laugh that had no feeling in it before continuing. “My mother had supported me so much during my childhood. Even then, the stress and pressure were a lot. Then… I lost her. I found support again, in a different way, through my first and only love. Mirabel." I felt anger billow in my gut at the memory. Here Zara was, trying to match me with someone when that just wasn't going to happen. She needed to know that. Still, I didn't move away from her, compelled to stay. Gathering my bearings, I continued in a tone just as strong as before, though the volume of my voice was light despite the negative emotions swirling within me. “I am unwilling to risk further heartbreak on some… romantic fantasy. That is what it is, and all it will ever be—a fantasy. It's nice to think of sunshine and rainbows, being able to find 'the one,' but some of us have already lost 'the one.' And if we find someone else, we could lose them too," I muttered. “I understand, Noah," Zara murmured lightly, hesitating, but then reaching up to provide a comforting touch. She'd done this before, and I was able to resist. But this time, I couldn't help but close my eyes and lean into the warmth and comfort of her hand. Her soft touch was so gentle and still electrifying. It felt good. My inner wolf stirred, leaning into her comforting touch. Her skin was so smooth, yet as her hand rested against my face, my wolf sniffed the air, its nostrils flaring. Past her sweet floral scent, it detected something else. My wolf brushed its muzzle against the walls of my mind, curiously investigating this mysterious essence. There was something different about her, something special... it just couldn't quite grasp what. All my wolf knew for certain was that Zara's energy resonated like no other woman's ever had. I found myself frozen, unable to pull away as my wolf eagerly breathed in more of her heady scent. What was different? My wolf paced back and forth, utterly enchanted, yet confused. It was some primal magnetism, tugging us toward her, but the source remained a mystery. I opened my eyes, at a loss as to what was happening between us. She didn't move her hand away, and rather, just stood there, gazing into my eyes. I felt my heart quicken, and my wolf grow excited. Was there something in her eyes, some sort of true feeling for me? Did it matter? “Do you understand, Zara?" I asked, letting that hang in the air. “Serena is probably the safest person to make my mate, and then I can be done with this business for good. I promise to accept whatever comes of matching with her. No more fruitless searching, no more worrying about whether the Alpha Heir will find someone before leading the pack—everyone will get what they want." “I disagree," Zara said. “Noah, she isn't a safe mate. I know you are trying to protect yourself from more heartbreak, but this isn't the way to do it. The shield you hide behind right now will eventually burst. Your heart will shatter further when you realize you are stuck with someone you do not love, and who doesn't love you back." “This supposed flavor of heartbreak is something I am willing to handle," I said, my tone turning somewhat edged. I wasn't budging with this. She apparently wasn't, either. “Noah. I really, truly, don't want you to hurt even more when this foolish plan doesn't work out." “How are you so sure it won't work out?" I asked, gazing into her eyes again and trying not to get lost. “You and Serena are not meant for each other. You're doing it to get rid of me and get your parents off of your back. She is doing it for the power and thrill of being a Luna. When responsibility actually hits the both of you, how do you know you'll be able to work together, to be happy?" she asked. “Happiness isn't what matters," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. “I'll be happy when this matchmaking nonsense is over, I am left alone, and I can focus on other things in my life. I can work just fine with most people in the pack, Serena included. There is no indication that we won't be able to do that." Zara sighed with a hint of sadness in her tone. I could tell she was disappointed in me and truly wanted to see me alright, along with saving her job, of course. But, based on her reaction, I knew that wasn't the only thing. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, and I knew she was going to be persistent about this. Her silly Luna Lily fantasy wasn't going to sway me at all, because I didn't believe in this fairy tale nonsense. I didn't know what I needed to do to sway her. “You know," I said, my voice shifting into a purr. She eyed me with suspicion, letting her hand drop from my cheek. Now, she placed it, along with her other hand, on her hips. She was already anticipating what I was going to say. It was adorable. Zara sighed again. “What?" “I am still willing to trade in Serena for you if you change your mind before the big day," I said, keeping my voice low and dripping with seduction. Zara snorted, that defiant glare leaping into her gaze. Now, my wolf was pushing me to continue, to get her to say yes, to agree immediately. The urge to claim her was strong, but it was clear she'd remain completely defiant. Zara said in a serious tone, “No thanks." I couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed at her response, but definitely not surprised.
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