Chapter 6 : Chance Encounters

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*Zara* The sunshine on the trees was beautiful today, but it did not reflect my mood. I sat at a table, gazing out at the yard of the Drogomor mansion and letting out a sigh. Noah had been making excuses and avoiding me for days. After hitting dead ends with all the usual tactics, I decided it was time to get creative in order to get Noah to open up to the idea of a new mate. I began discreetly interviewing some of the lesser-known women from his pack, hoping to uncover a hidden gem that could break through his stubborn resistance to love. My first meeting was with Lily, a demure young woman who had admired Noah from afar for years. I invited her for tea at a cafe, hoping to learn what drew her to the brooding Alpha. "So, Lily, what is it about Noah that intrigues you?" I asked gently. Lily's face flushed crimson. "Oh, well, he's just so strong and handsome," she stammered, staring into her teacup. As I pressed for more, she became flustered and tongue-tied. It was clear this was merely a superficial crush. Next was Ruby, a bold and vivacious woman who boasted, "I'll tame that beast, Noah!" But her brash, dominating energy seemed destined to clash with the stoic heir. When I asked what attracted her to Noah, she declared, "I'll crack that tough shell of his and spice up his boring life!" She seemed to see Noah as a challenge to conquer, not a true mate. I was ready to give up my search when a surprise visitor arrived–a soft-spoken omega named Serena. "Forgive my boldness," she said with gentle poise. "But I believe Noah and I are destined for one another." I was taken aback but intrigued. "What makes you so certain?" I asked. Serena revealed she had admired Noah from afar for years. Growing up in a remote region of his pack's territory, she felt an unspoken kinship with him due to losses in her own childhood. “Do you remember how you felt when you saw Noah for the first time?" I asked her, focusing on the tone of her voice and her expression. She got a far-off look in her eye and went on to describe how one day on the playground, she had clambered up to the top of the monkey bars. Filled with youthful bravado, she hung upside down by her knees and dangled there, her hair swinging in the breeze. "But then my grip began to slip," she continued. "I cried out in fright as I started to fall. But suddenly, strong hands caught me and righted me. It was Noah, though he was some years older than me. Without a word, he'd rushed over and saved me from a nasty fall." She smiled warmly at the memory. "Even once I was safe, he didn't lord it over me or tease me for being scared. He just tousled my hair and went back to playing with the other boys. Even then, he didn't know me, but he showed me kindness and treated me like one of his own to protect." It made my heart melt to hear the way she talked about him. "He has always been so selfless, looking after the wellbeing of everyone in this pack, regardless of status or age. That day on the playground, he became my hero. And I've never forgotten his noble spirit." No one had described Noah with such passion before, and it was gushing from this woman's voice. For some reason, I felt my wolf sulk within me, but I ignored her for now. I noted that I didn't see any golden threads spring from her as she talked about him, but that wasn't necessarily a deal-breaker. “That is wonderful," I said, giving her a reassuring smile. “Have you approached him since then?" Serena shook her head, her eyes growing distant. With a sigh, she said, “No. I have grown older admiring him from afar, only being in his presence during pack events. He has only gotten more tantalizing with age. His scent is hypnotizing." It was, my wolf agreed, but she wasn't happy to hear this coming from another woman. I kept ignoring her, pressing on with new vigor. Though initially skeptical, I was impressed by her empathy and quiet strength. She seemed a compelling counterpoint to Noah's intensity. I decided to arrange an "accidental" encounter to observe their dynamic. At the busy marketplace, I subtly maneuvered Noah to quite literally bump into the humble omega. Their eyes locked and Serena gave a gentle smile. "Forgive me," Noah murmured as he made sure to help her remain steady before letting her go and moving on his way. There was no connection, but it wasn't a disaster. Then I spied him discreetly glancing back to gaze at Serena as she disappeared into the crowd. I took this as a very promising sign of attraction. I expected this first meeting to blossom into something more. I strategically placed Serena in his path a few more times and finally, he spoke to her. They were in the library, and Serena had questioned him about whether he knew the location of certain history books. He showed her the way and they talked casually about the book she was looking for. I heard him say, “You know, your knowledge of pack history is fascinating. I am very impressed, Serena. You are such an intelligent, gorgeous woman. Consider me captivated." Serena's mouth fell agape, and she sucked in her breath. She grinned from ear to ear, delight radiating from her in waves. “I am honored, Noah. You are someone I have always admired and looked up to. Can we meet for dinner?" she asked hopefully. Noah looked at her adoringly, letting out a soft hum. I saw a shiver go through Serena. Join the club, I thought. Noah then said, “Yes. We can. I look forward to it." That went faster than what I was expecting. They seemed to have that connection I was looking for, though, and so it surely could go well. Some matches were taken by one another very quickly. My talents were showing through again. I assumed it would take them a month or two to seal the deal. Marriage would be speedy at that rate, but that wasn't a bad thing by any means. Many matches I discovered ended up that way. A few nights later, I sat in a lounge area, making notes in my journal regarding the recent good news. Looking up, I smiled as Angelica approached me. Her expression didn't reflect my smile, and she looked a bit concerned. “Hey," she said to me. I realized her smile wasn't reaching her eyes and swallowed, wondering if Noah and Serena hadn't worked out. If that were the case, I would have been so close.... The end of this assignment was just out of reach. “Hello," I said. “How's Noah and Serena?" “They are well, very well." She paused, staring at her feet. “Too well. In fact, Noah told me he plans to propose to her just ten minutes ago. I wanted to tell you the… good… news. He insisted that they wed at once." My eyes widened. Yep, that was extremely fast. There was a pit in my stomach, and I felt my wolf protest in fury at how much faster this was going. This couldn't be legitimate, I thought. I felt suspicion billow in my gut over all of this, but gave a smile anyway, not wanting to cause alarm just yet. “Wait. Really? Oh, Angelica, this is wonderful news," I said, my tone beyond delighted. “Yeah," Angelica said with a sigh. “It just seems too fast." I furrowed my brow, then shook my head, trying to gather my bearings. Gently, I assured her, “Sometimes it works out this way. Their love must be so rich that they accept that they are meant for each other. Let's give it time and see what happens." I wasn't sure if she was going to buy that, but I needed time to think about this. “I see. Well, I hope you're right," Angelica said with a shrug. “Their plans had been for dinner together, but now Noah wants to make an announcement to the rest of the family. Our parents do not know yet." “What an exciting announcement! I will be there. I look forward to it," I said with a huge smile, putting in effort to make sure it didn't waver. I wondered how Issac and Estella would react to this news. *** *Noah* At the dinner table, I tried not to wear a smug grin, wanting to come across as delighted more than anything. This plan was perfect. A plate of scrumptious steak was set in front of me. My mouth watered, but I wanted the news I had to settle in first. My stepmother and father gazed at me curiously, then looked over at Serena, who was brimming with happiness. Then, I glanced over to Zara, just a bit curious about how she was handling all of this. She would be gone soon, but I couldn't help that inquisitive feeling billowing within me. My wolf was accepting none of this, agitated and displeased that I was going with Serena over who he thought I should really claim. Zara remained unbothered and wore a pleasant grin. I cursed in my mind, realizing how beautiful she looked today. I watched as she gently moved a strand of her hair behind her ear. All her actions seemed so gentle yet confident. No wonder my wolf was pissed. I stood up abruptly, clearing my throat. "I have an important announcement to make," I declared, meeting Serena's gaze. Her eyes went wide with curiosity. I took a deep breath and dropped to one knee beside her. Gasps erupted around the table. I took Serena's hand in mine. "Serena, from the moment I bumped into you, I felt a connection. I know this is sudden, but–will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Serena looked completely stunned, glancing around uncertainly. But she composed herself and gave me a tremulous smile. "Oh Noah, of course I will! I've dreamed of this for so long!" My wolf snarled in protest, but I ignored him. I pulled Serena into an embrace as she giggled joyfully. Over her shoulder, I met Zara's gaze. Her expression was unreadable. For some reason, that bothered me more than I cared to admit. I pushed the thought away. "To my future wife!" I cheered, lifting my glass. My eyes moved to see that the expressions on my stepmother's and father's faces twisted into perturbed frowns. They exchanged a glance. Estella stood up. “That is wonderful, Noah. Though, don't you think this is all a bit too fast?" she asked. My father nodded in agreement. “Usually, it takes longer to see if the chemistry is true. Instant attraction does not mean everything, son." I gave a shrug, now feeling somewhat smug. “It doesn't," I agreed. “But this is what you wanted. We have so much in common. It must be meant to be," I added, proceeding to sit down and begin my meal. I watched Zara from the corner of my eye again. She was wearing a very delighted smile, dipping her head at me, and beaming at Serena. I figured she of all people would see through this plan and object. Or… that she would be a bit jealous. I had seen the way she looked at me, smelled the perfume she wore just for me, and wore clothing she knew I would enjoy. She knew that I made her blush.... But here she was, showing nothing to betray any feelings at all. I resisted the urge to frown and reflect on how my wolf felt. I felt a pit in my stomach, and something felt a lot like regret too. What was going on? I should be happy that the matchmaker would be gone and out of my hair soon, I thought… not… this.
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