Just another day for mischief for the not-so-little witch

1143 Words
As the years went by, the little witch grew up into a lovely lady. But only in appearance is she a lady. In attitude, she did not mature well for she still likes to play practical jokes and her mischief is known all over the kingdom. She did, however, grew stronger. Her magic grew stronger as grew older. She is starting to finally get her thread magic under control but she is nowhere near the point of manipulating the strings of fate. And as such, she is again, up to no good. It was a week before she turns eighteen in May did she decide to play the biggest prank she could ever think of. Making several copies of herself using her magic and confusing everybody around the kingdom. This will be the epitome of her mischief-making if she plays her cards correctly. The only thing standing in her way was her mother and her teacher. They know how clever she can be when she wants to. That is why they have been keeping an eye on her movements ever since she could remember. She needs to plan everything so it would go smoothly. She didn't do any of her usual mischiefs in preparation for this one. What she didn't take into account the fact that everyone has been on their toes waiting for her to pull her usual mischief. They were wary of her movements, suspicious even. She saw this but it did not hinder her thirst for the thrill of having to fool everybody. She has already started to produce several copies of herself deep in the woods of their kingdom. She had built herself a small cabin of sorts that no one knows about. There, she would hide the copies of herself that she made every day. When she finally deemed the number of copies was sufficient, she made her move. She flew up, high enough that no one could detect her using magic, and started to move her replicas like a puppeteer would move his marionette. She thought in her head, 'This is going to be epic!', not caring about the consequences of her actions. Little did she know that her mother was watching her every move. Observing how she is using her magic, how she is growing stronger by the day. And while she uses blood magic, she can also predict the near future. So she is observing her daughter for she has already seen what her daughter can do in the future that she is seeing. But nothing can compare to actually seeing what she can do. Her daughter has finally made a move. She started to give out the information about the queen's orders of a game for everybody to participate in. Her mother, the queen, did not protest to this idea of hers. Instead, she was intrigued about the specifics of the game. Even though all of the witches are wary of whatever mischief the princess has in store for them, they cannot deny the competition running in their veins. Every witch in the kingdom wanted to impress the queen no matter what. She explained to whoever her replica is talking to that there will be a tournament in three days' time and every witch is invited to come and join the tournament. What they all don't know is that it is not real. Or so she thought. She didn't know that her mother was watching her every move and since she used her mother's name, her mother had to take things into her own hands. She ordered her advisors and the other officials to prepare a tournament in three days' time. All of their eyes widened at the sudden request but nevertheless, did what they were told. They arranged the tournament without her daughter knowing. Her daughter came home that day exhausted but had a lot of energy to spare and acted like nothing happened today in front of her mother. She smiled at her mom when she passed her by to go to her room. When she was finally alone in her room, she slumped on her bed with a loud thump. She then sighed in huge relief and started to laugh maniacally all to herself. She thought to herself, 'That was so satisfying. We'll see what will happen tomorrow up until the so-called tournament starts.' She stood up from the bed and went to her personal bathroom to prepare for sleep. Meanwhile, the queen is conjuring a non-existent tournament because of her daughter. She is having a meeting with her advisors. They were sitting on a long stone table and the queen was sitting at the head of the table. "What do you have in mind for the games?" The queen asked her advisors. One of them raised her hand and was asking for permission to speak. She was a lean witch with toffee-colored skin and short jet black hair. The queen granted it and she began speaking. "I suggest we do a mass elimination at first by doing an obstacle course around the kingdom. We can decide the number of witches to pass through to the next round later. Next is a second elimination that can determine the witches that will have a one on one battle with another witch. I don't have any ideas for the second elimination just yet, so if anyone has ideas, you are welcome to share it with the others." The queen nodded her head and asked the others about the second elimination. They were still trying to figure out when their youngest advisor raised her hand. She was a petite witch with long blonde curls and bright green eyes. "How about we let them do team battle? We could make a crystal that they need to defend from the other team. First team to break the opponents crystal or has the most damage within 30 minutes wins? Sounds good?" The witch smiled in glee when she heard this. "Let us go with that idea. Announce to the whole kingdom that we will only accept the witches that are able to write their names on a piece parchment paper in this bowl," the queen was able to produce a bowl out if thin air. A blood red bowl. "to participate in the tournament. They need to put it in before noon, two days from now. I trust that you will handle the details. Dismissed." The queen stood up and left while her advisors started to plan the minor details of the tournament. Some were complaining because the princess has yet caused another pain for them. Some were excited for the tournament and are already planning to join but they were forbidden for they are the organizers. While they were stressing about the tournament, the princess just slept happily on her bed. Thinking about her next mischief.
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