Chapter 20 : We Need to Go Back!

2811 Words

*Lena* The library on Morhan's campus was massive and modern, towering over the other school buildings and casting a tall, five-story shadow over the student commons as I sat in a quiet corner on the third floor, flipping through yet another useless textbook. I'd spent the last six hours in the library. I'd pulled every book I could find that covered botany, rare flora, and medicinal plants. There wasn't a single mention of blood root or anything like it. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes, exhaling deeply as I closed the eighth textbook I'd flipped through that day. My eyes felt heavy, and I had a pounding headache. All in all, today had been a bust. The only good news I received was that there had been a development in the murder case on the Radcliffe Estate. A note ha

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