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THIRD PERSON'S POV The two were sobbing as they held onto each other, Chimin protectively having his arm around Jimin in hopes of protecting him from any one trying to harm him. Jungkook didn't know what to do in this situation but he knew he had to be extra careful it won't end well, and just as told the rest stood back and watched in sadness. Jungkook took a step and Chimin looked up with these red angry teary eyes to him, Jungkook never thought he would see this kind of look on him, he's always been the tough one here. "s..stay away from my brother" he shouted with his weak voice, himself was not in his mind. "Chimin it's me, it's gonna be ok" Jungkook started calmly with a softer voice not to scare or startle him but Chimin wasn't planning on backing away "y..your a bad guy your gonna hurt us..." he sobbed holding tightly onto Jimin. Jungkook knew this would be hard but he was going to try again and again. He knelt in front of them showing his weaponless hands, "see am not going to hurt you, it's me Jungkook..." he tried again calmly as Chimin stared at him with these empty eyes Jungkook has never felt so much pain starring into someone's eyes it's like he feels these emotions too, right then he knew they must have passed so much to be this way and he never felt so protective like right now. "It's going to be okay......" seems that one sentence was working magic, it made even Jimin look up from Chimin's chest and stare at Jungkook, he was so puffy from all that crying "it's me....." he gave his hand as the two watched it to make it was what they were seeing not thinking, "come baby...." he gave them a smile, he thought they would take his hand but....Jimin literally lounged himself at him and hugged the life out of him hiding in his neck "a..am scared Kookie..." he mumbled but Jungkook heard him making smile. Now Chimin still hadn't got his trust yet "it's ok" Jungkook promised and gave his hand which Chimin took hesitantly and when he did Jungkook pulled him to his chest the other was already relaxing in his warmth. "can you walk?" he asked and Chimin nodded a bit but never broke the chokehold hug, Jungkook was literally squished like a stuffed bear but he wasn't complaining either. He stood up and Jimin was nowhere going to walk that's for sure after all he was affected the most and definitely exhausted. Jungkook picked him up bridal style as Chimin held on his arm like a lost child, his hoodie completely covering him. When they slowly made it out the others quickly ran to them worriedly "Chimin" Yoongi tried to walk to him but he only hid behind Jungkook "he's not in his right mind yet" he nodded in understanding, they won't let anyone close to them except Jungkook. He carefully made it to his awaiting car where Namjoon's smile dropped after seeing the condition of the two "what happened?" he asked worriedly "it's a long story" Jungkook didn't have it in him to explain yet. He sat inside with Chimin following him behind never letting go of his arm. "Chimin your home address?" he asked , he honestly thought he wouldn't answer but he did, he gave Namjoon the location who right away drove to the direction, with Jimin on his lap he stared at Chimin who had laid his head on his shoulder his arm tightly held, 'i wonder what actually happened?' he wanted to know, and after today's event he swore to protect them with all his being. . . Jungkook worriedly stood beside the bathroom door as he waited not patiently, Chimin assured him he got this and the both freshening up with him of course helping Jimin, he was still not feeling so good after what happened, well it's been twenty minutes now "should I be worried?" he knew exactly the answer to that, but again it's not like he can barge in, what about their privacy he didn't want to seem like a pervert. The door slowly opened revealing Jimin and Chimin in the same pajama shorts and shirt, he wanted to coo so much right now, they looked like little mochis walking up to him 'this cuteness will definitely kill me one day' he sighed. He helped the both cover up as they laid in bed literally clung to each other making Jungkook smile, well long story short. The twins mom wasn't really in town, she had travelled for the night and be back tomorrow morning and same as Jungkook's father he was out for business overseas, Jungkook thought he could lend a hand and the two had no problem with it. "Goodnight" he said softly as he pat Jimin's hair who gave him a smile, well these two were closer after becoming friends for Jungkook to know Jimin liked small things like patting his hair. "where are you going?" Jungkook looked back as he was about to go out seeing how Jimin had frowned "don't go...." he whined and how was Jungkook supposed to say no to that cute pout. He looked at Chimin asking for permission who only shrugged it off "he won't stop if you don't" he turned to the other side "yay!" Jimin celebrated and extended for Jungkook's big body to lay over (lol) . . Jungkook the next morning woke up with this heavy weight on his chest but warmth along side it, he stretched his neck a bit and opened his eyes first met with a colourful ceiling, it had those star shapes onto it, with different colours and other designs too now that he remembers this was Jimin's room. He looked down from and the cutest face hee could ever make out, Jimin had cuddled to his neck holding his arm like he would go away if he lets go it was "kinda cute..." he mumbled to himself and looked to the other other side to see if Chimin woke up but to his surprise he had laid to his chest sleeping comfortably, 'now that's why he felt heavy' he smiled, now come to think of it, they had made him his personal pillow, "God....you should really reward me for holding up to myself to not do anything stupid" two beauties in both his arms, he had to get out of there asap. Slowly entangling from the comfortable warmth he was careful no one woke up, it was still very early well he's used to getting up early and even though it's just a weekend. He washed up his face and completely was awake. He took his time and admired the small cozy room, It wasn't as big as his room but it was lively and cozy. He made his way downstairs and a thought came into his mind he quickly took his phone and dialled his assistant's number Namjoon of course "hyung can you do for me something" the other was fast to reply with a yes "bring me these ingredients...." he told him all he wanted. . . Jimin stretched a bit his eyes opening to be met with none other than Chimin's who stared at him with a smile "Good morning" he greeted and pecked his cheek making Jimin giggle "morning" he replied back and sat up "how are you feeling?" Jimin stretched "I surprisingly feel better" he had his usual brightened smile and Chimin knew he wasn't lying, though he knew the cause wasn't here he could at least thank him 'never' his toxic trait supplied "let's freshen up, first to reach the bathroom" it wasn't a second the both were running like kids guess they woke up good. "something smells good" Chimin pointed "smell of bacon, ham and fried eggs" Jimin pointed out the little details "is mom back" that made his smile wider "let's go find out" and they made a run for it. The moment they made it downstairs, they were hit harder not just with the food smell but a manly one, Jungkook was just there casually standing in shorts, a black vest on his shoulder muscles protruding from the small clothe and his back shouting sexy every time he moved, his raven hair effortless moving by the gush of wind. Chimin had his jaw dropped, Jimin wide eyed and gulping a few more times, was there a person this sexy? "like what to see?" Ofcourse Jungkook wouldn't miss to tease because he was loving the look of theses two all shining bright red, God he was addicted to that kind of look. Speechless, the two made it to the table and like a gentleman Jungkook helped them take a seat, wow. The fresh food couldn't be ignored for too long and the three dived in, Jungkook not surprised with that huge appetite the both had, what a nice morning. . .
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