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THIRD PERSON'S POV The next day at school the class seemed very interesting and the professor has never been this happy to have a smart student "....again correct, thank you Mr Park" their professor smiled widely just as same as Jimin "wow that's beyond my mind" Hobi next to him couldn't help than clap for his new friend for the marvelous brilliant explanation he gave when their professor asked a question "thanks..." he said almost in a whisper as he sat back down while the other few students continued to applaud to him but there was something weird. Jimin looking around the class noticed almost half of the class had their head down as they gave him these pity looks like something bad was going to happen to him "Hobi hyung why are they staring at me like that?" Jimin couldn't help but ask as the elder who looked around "humph must be shocked with the new smart brain" he chuckled as Jimin managed to roll his eyes, quite not the reply he was looking for "sorry,... I mean they must be surprised I mean look at the professor he had his jaw dropped to the ground when you gave your answers" Hobi assured him there was nothing much to think about the others and Jimin slightly nodded turning back to his books choosing to maybe be blind to the eyes. One thing about Jimin is that he's very smart, he spends most of his free time reading books and doing research guess he was too smart for his age?? What the two didn't realize was the pair of eyes glaring to the innocent boy "hmm, you think you are so smart let's see about it ..." Taemin smirked as he took out his phone to type something "yes....at lunch break..." he typed back and had this dirty grin on him. Jimin was writing down something when his pencil rolled over and fell down he needed that now that he was at a drawing part "hmm where is it" he looked around and noticed it was past behind his legs and leaned down to pick it but there was a problem it was far "uhmm almost" he struggled before a voice interrupted "looking for this" Startled Jimin abruptly moved up banging his head to the desk "uh..ouch" he groaned clutching to the back of his head eyes tightly closed in hopes of the pain to subside "look at you all clumsy..." the voice said again and the next thing Jimin felt bigger hands holding his head and gently rubbing the back is his head "are you ok, does it hurt that much?" the voice sounded concerned and curiously Jimin opened his eyes to see who it was. Thin lips, is what he was first met with and could see those bunny teeth peeking as the person continued to speak a sharp jaw sharper than that knife he uses at home, a small scar under those doe eyes and dark ravens adorning him, all Jimin could think of was how handsome the guy was, before his thoughts went further he was cut off by the pain when the other touched a certain point "ouch...ouch..." he felt like crying as he quickly held onto those hands stopping them from moving "rubbing will help so it won't swell" he explained and Jimin stopped struggling like an obedient kid as the other continued to massage his sculp. "that will do I guess....." Jungkook whispered as he felt the other look up at him "doe it hur...." he stopped talking mid way as he was met with teary hazel puppy eyes that looked up to him making him completely still his mouth slightly open when he was struck with the sight, his poor heart. It was awhile ago Jungkook was minding his own business and now he was face to face with something he would describe as 'ethreal beauty' feed to his eyes in 4K zoom. 'fair, plump, little, innocent, cute blonde...' his mind was just supplying incoherently as he stared at the boy who he had his face held in his palms "d..does it hurt" he wanted to slap himself for stuttering what the hell "It was....." he looked at those teary eyes as the said boy tailed off with a pout to his lips, with the way he looked he was sure he was about to cry making him hold his laugh "don't tell me, that is going to make you cry..?" he teased and the boy only pouted more "ofcourse it hurts...." he defended this time around catching the other's two attention "huh.." Taehyung looked at his desk mate who he was sure about to kiss the other in the middle of everyone, the sight was kind of misunderstanding "ahem..." that made the other look to his side "you really wanna go for it right here..." he smirked with teasing eyes making Jungkook let go of the blonde boy immediately "I...was helping him to pick up his pencil" Jungkook quickly defended "ofcourse you are" Taehyung was obviously unconvinced making Jungkook roll his eyes "Jimin what is it?" Hobi turned to his friend seeing how he had a frown to his face as he held his head "hit my head on that table" he glared at the wood "let me see" Hobi quickly took a look at him the two watching the interaction with so much interest "hurts abit" he continued to pout "its a small bump it will go away" Hobi assured who Jimin nodded reliefed that he wasn't going to die from that hit earlier it hurt like a b***h. "thanks..." he took his cause of his pain from Jungkook thanking the older and turning to face his books now, the professor long gone but leaving them a homework ofcourse. Jungkook was still starring at the blonde in front of him with lots of questions 'hmm have seen him somewhere!' he pondered on the thought but still didn't figure out where he's ever seen him and decided to shrug it off while he continued to stare at his back. 'come to think of it he's ...cute' uninvited smile creeped to his face making Taehyung to his side look at him weirdly "did you see an angel or anything?" he asked as Jungkook turned his way and dismissed him off "nothing for you to know" "meanie"... . . At lunch break... "...hurry up am hungry..." Hobi whined as he literally dragged Jimin while the younger was trying to hold onto his books and papers before they fly off "ok ok... Slow down" that was quite the energy for someone hungry. They took the four chair empty table and settled down "uh... excuse me for a minute..." Jimin abruptly stood up making Hobi look at him questioningly "am going to pee" he whispered the last part as Hobi made an oh before he literally ran off. When Jimin was done with his business he washed his hands and was ready to go out when around four males walked in, he didn't pay attention and was ready to leave when one pushed him back as the other one closed the door "uh...what is it?" Jimin was confused "hey smart ass!" Looking up he was met with Taemin wearing his usual stupid smirk on him "what.. happened?" He was confused why the other was aggressive "I'll show you what happened!" he signalled for the other three boys who stood in front of him grinning widely. . . "Isn't your friend taking way too long" Taehyung asked Hobi as he sipped his half glass drink "am afraid your food is getting cold" he added as Hobi looked down to his untouched food, it's been almost 30minutes and Jimin is not back. Taehyung alongside Jungkook joined him awhile ago since his table was free, the two were even done but Jimin had still not come back "did he lose his way or..." Hobi was starting to imagine the possible scenarios until the blonde boy appeared among the crowd "oh he's here" Taehyung pointed as Hobi sighed in relief, "am so sorry" Jimin right away apologized as he sat carefully to his seat while the three looked at him "let's eat already" Hobi right away digged in as Jimin nervously joined all them missing the way he had tightly clutched onto his sides and playing it cool. Jimin sighed in relief but accidentally or not accidentally his eyes met with Jungkook who weirdly was starring at him like he was some kind of transparent glass 'stop stop, calm down he will look away act Normal' he found himself chanting internally as Jungkook just wouldn't stop. . NIGHT SAME DAY "So the thing is tomorrow at club XY am going to meet this business dealer but there is a higher possibility of failure in the deal" he looked at the two boys Infront of him "why is that?" Chimin asked curiously "those rich bastards the moment they gain they instantly get rid of you" he added "so....." Yoongi wanted him to get to the point already "so you gonna be my back up, the moment we both benefit you got to take me out" he breathed, but the two were kind of hesitant "I'll double the price to 5x" "now we're talking" Chimin stood up already got the mission planned "so tomorrow midnight is when it all starts" he adds as the two listen, and when he was done he walked out. "This customer is a bit sus don't you think?" Chimin pointed out "the pay is higher the rest don't matter" Yoongi said while he stretched his neck he missed action real bad,he's so ready for this. "I mean like...he's hiding something....eh whatever as long as he pays...." Chimin shrugged it off "exactly my point...." Yoongi agreed "just a reminder we don't go for the innocent, we teach the bad guys a lesson" Yoongi only rolled his eyes when Chimin said so "ofcourse how many times will you say it?" he grumbled "many times as possible.." Chimin despises those rich geezers, they always have something bad up to their sleeves that's why he can't hesitate to do damage onto them....but always one rule, the innocent stay out but what rich bastard is innocent??? ... ..
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