
1701 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV An hour later, an hour of long ass lectures and speech, everyone anticipated for it to get done over it, they want to get it over with and the golden time reached when one of the professor announced everyone to have fun to the music but definitely not alcohol allowed in here "f**k finally..." Taemin sighed in relief and took out his phone "did you come with the drinks?" he asked "yes at the backyard" the voice on the other side of the phone replied and Taemin looked at his friend before disconnecting the call "hey guys it's here go fetch it" he ordered his friends who hurried like obedient dogs to get the drinks "today is going to be fun" he grinned "Yoongi anything new about that old hag?"Chimin asked in the loud music but Yoongi heard it, thanks to the music no one will hear them "I looked for the bastard but didn't find him, he ran off with out payment that fucker" he groaned all their hard work in vain "by the way you didn't tell me what happened in there?" he asked and Chimin only rolled his eyes recalling the stupid night "the man who was supposed to strike the deal, he is someone from upper hand he had bodyguards with him and that fat guy had the audacity to pull off tricks he should've at least waited for the right time" Chimin had regrets that night, "he knew I was there but fat guy pulled a prank and disappeared in the dark and I was the suspect" Yoongi was surprised "then what happened because you were drugged" "ofcourse that bastard along with the bar attender tricked me and gave me a normal juice only to make me dizzy later" he explained "he made you a scapegoat" Yoongi added "and then....I did what I could at the last second" Chimin's cheeks were slight pink and Yoongi needn't ask more "though he didn't seem that kind of a guy and I passed out later on and that's when you came in" Yoongi took all the details carefully "now we need to find that guy he got us in big trouble" Chimin nodded in agreement and that's when his phone buzzed in his pockets "we have another mission" Yoongi looked up to Chimin "don't tell me your going?" Yoongi shoved back his phone and looked at the stage "of course not am here for my boyfriend" and Chimin smiled proudly "and am here for my brother" today no missions "they look so happy" Yoongi pointed out "so cute" Chimin agreed as they watched the two shaking it off to the stage "You're so wild!" Jimin shouted over to Hobi who swayed "and your so good I didn't know you dance" he pointed out "I love dancing" he answered back "I have these dance classes I take let's go together" he suggested and Jimin couldn't be any happier "ofcourse" he agreed happily "am tired I'll seat over there" Hobi signalled as he headed to the where his boyfriend was waiting for him. Jimin remained dancing for awhile but suddenly got uncomfortable as a few guys were heading his way maybe be should just get off the stage. One guy was about to touch him immediately stopped midway by none other than "he's mine" Taehyung smiled fakely at him making him retract away and faced Jimin who sighed "thank you" he recognized the guy who always sits behind him "Am Taehyung by the way we didn't properly introduce ourselves" he spoke casually dancing it off and Jimin following along he was comfortable with him "am Jimin" he introduced "I know pretty" he teased making Jimin laugh out loud "clinchè" he agreed and danced off a few more minutes "am going over there to get some water" he notified as Taehyung nodded and walked away. Jimin made his way to the table and picked up a water bottle which he was glad he found and turned back only to be met with Taemin and his minions looking down on him "oh junior there you are, I promised to treat you today night" Jimin didn't like the sound of it infact he had tried so hard to stay away from him but guess the world is so small. "oh thanks but no need" he tried to brush him off but Taemin will always remain Taemin "come on now you will deny your senior, it's just a juice no need to over react" he scoffed "get me the juice" his friend hesitantly gave him a bottle looking at him questioningly but Taemin brushed him off "c'mon take it, we need a good relation between us, or you wouldn't want it?" he asked making Jimin gulp "it's a welcome gift" he added, 'its a juice nothing much right' Jimin shrugged it off and took the bottle Taemin looking at him in anticipation, Jimin took the medium sized bottle and gulp it all down "yessss" they clapped for him as Taemin grinned widely "see it was that easy" he pat his shoulder 'why is it bitter' Jimin thought about it but later decided it was nothing and covered it later with a gulp of water. suddenly he felt weird and tried to keep his eyes open, he felt not himself 'i wanna Pee' he excused himself and headed to the restroom. "Taemin what the heck why did you give him that?" his friend scolded "it's none of your business, I need you to cover me" he whispered to him "what do you mean?" his friend was confused "just come" he dragged him to the restrooms. Jungkook was watching all this like a hawk, ever since he saw Jimin swaying his hips on the dance floor he couldn't take his eyes off him, every day there is always something intresting about him. The girl from earlier had been touchy every since the last 30mins but it wasn't it, he didn't feel excited or anything he doesn't feel a thing now that he is looking forward to touching something else himself "excuse me" he stood up leaving the girl who said her name was Rose looking at him weirdly. Jimin stumbled in the stalls and leaned his head to the sink he felt heavy and that's when Taemin walked on him shutting the door behind startling him "w..what?" he couldn't even ask properly, he was pushed to the walls making him groan and he felt the others body behind him "hmm I like beating up people but now I look at you..." he smirked trailing his eyes on Jimin's back "I must say this can't go to waste it makes me hot" he licked his neck and wanted to grope that ass but his friend interrupted "s**t someone is coming" he warned and Taemin had no choice than walk away leaving Jimin slumped down he was so dizzy. Jungkook looked at the two suspiciously as he walked in the restrooms glad he came earlier because he knew their intentions "urgh.." he heard a groan and quickly walked in seeing the slumped body on the floor "this is my chance" he walked in closing the door. "hey you ok you look messed up...." he leaned down to help him up as Jimin looked at him with hooded eyes but instead they stumbled down as Jungkook fell to the toilet lid and Jimin on top of his lap "oh...more like drunk" he noted down "who made you drunk Jimin?" now that he said the name out loud he could feel how it rolled over his tongue it was amazing "j.. Jungkook.." Jimin looked up from his neck as Jungkook hummed "I....feel weird..." he tried to speak out "where do you feel weird?" Jungkook found himself asking as he moved his hair out of his face have a clear view of his forehead, the thing he came for already forgotten "here..." he giggled pointing to his head making Jungkook chuckle, that was f*****g cute "do..that again..." Jimin requested "do what?" he was confused "here...my hair..." he pointed and Jungkook made an o and he did it again getting to feel how soft his blondes were Jimin giggling at the action "I like it...." he pointed out as he just sighed "f**k, this cute thing" he groaned in disbelief because his intentions were backfired, Jimin's drunk self was something he didn't expect and he was lured to the cuteness "forget it" he was ok with what was happening and continued to caress his cheek "so soft..." he cooed as Jimin bobbed his nose like a little kid "let's take you out of here can you walk" he stood up but Jimin almost fell and he was quick to hold him and carried him bridal style "can you open for me baby?" Jungkook said in a softer voice and Jimin obediently opened the door "good boy" he praised and hid in his neck "why are you so innocent" he chuckled and that's when they heard someone call out his name. Came three people running inside the restroom panting hard "there you are" Hobi said as he saw the two "why are holding my brother" Chimin asked suspiciously as the said person didn't say a word but stared at him and that's when it hit him 'f**k it's the man who was in a suit' he wanted to ran way but remembered his brother "I found him on the floor" he explained "don't worry we study with him, Thank you for looking out for Jimin, what happened to him?" he asked "he reeks of alcohol" he answered "thank you now give him" Chimin wanted to get out of here real quick "I'll help" Yoongi came in between and Jungkook carefully gave Jimin to Yoongi "...bye...." Jimin waved at him as he smiled "bye Jimin...." he waved back and they walked out as Jungkook remained back "those blondes, his voice...." he pondered "maybe I am mistaken, because even Jimin is blonde I can't get into conclusions soon" he shrugged it off but will look into it anyway later "I'll head home already..." he sighed going out and leaving the party immediately. .
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