
1551 Words
JIMIN'S POV "whoah" I was in awe when we pulled off a very big mansion, it was beautiful now that it was getting dark and the lights luminated each corner of the house, it looked magical like a palace "no this is a palace" I mumbled to myself "we are here" the driver's voice brought me back from my thoughts as he opened the door for me, how embarrassing "oh thank you" I bowed to him and I guess he was caught off guard but my mind was still at the beautiful sight, my mom had been working here all this time? I wondered and that's when I spotted her coming out of the palace "hey baby" she pulled me in a hug and I did the same and smooched all over my face "mom.... that's enough" sometimes she over does it but I can't blame her "what am I supposed to do if I keep on seeing your cute face" she pulled me inside "so here is the thing, my boss has a very big garden full of flowers which I know you will love, he's looking for someone to take care of it but I think you are better at this right?" how can I say no to flowers "of course" not to brag but I can do better "that's the spirit, you'll meet later with the boss until then you can walk around, the garden is just behind, I need to make dinner" she didn't even let me say a thing before pushing me back to have a look on my own "so energetic" I couldn't help than smile, "so where are the flowers?" THIRD PERSON'S POV Jimin walked to the backyard already admiring the setting "it looks decent" he smiled, the place looked so fine for a backyard not like the others which are just full of unused trash. Walking further he could spot the flowers thanks to the beautiful smell that was calling him. "So beautiful.." he literally ran when he spotted the white Lilies, one thing about Jimin he loves flowers and anything cute to his eyes, he was in love. The flower garden was really huge with so many different types of flowers in it, but there was a problem "oh no they had begun withering" he pout he doesn't like it when they die and maybe that's why he was called to take care of them well he couldn't be happy to take matters into his own hands. "Why are you pouting?" a familiar deeper voice asked startling him the moment he stood up, he might have also stepped on a pebble making him almost fall over the poor flowers, he was waiting for the pain probably on his butt but it didn't come 'huh' opening his half closed eyes he was met by none other than Jungkook himself closer to his face and his arms onto his waist holding him in place "you get more clumsier everytime I see you" that made Jimin to flush in embarrassment "n..not my fault" he managed to say making Jungkook to chuckle and pull him up but never letting go of his waist "ofcourse it's not it's the pebble's" that sounded like mockery making Jimin glare at Jungkook who only smirked and holding that eye contact for longer than it should. Jimin might have been glaring at Jungkook but he found himself staring deep into those dore eyes and for the first time he believed they were holding a whole galaxy into them, it was mesmerizing that he couldn't look away. "Aren't you staring much?" Jungkook's voice brought him back to earth "uh....am not..." and that's when it clicked into his mind, that day at the party, he felt the embarrassment come back and it wasn't helping that he was close to his face, he tried to get out of his grasp but he was held back even more tighter that he could feel Jungkook's breath on his face making him want to melt away "Why..are..." he couldn't even form words properly, the nervousness was eating him away, he wanted to so much face palm for stuttering, "no, or you will run away like you did the whole day" he reminded making him gulp so he was that obvious "I promise...I won't" with that Jungkook let him and waited for an explanation "so?" He asked "First of all I want to... apologize for what happened that other night I misbehaved" he covered his face thinking Jungkook was going to make fun of him but it didn't come "am sorry" he added and felt Jungkook's hands pull his own away from him "look at me" he obeyed making Jungkook smile, a smile only he understands "is that what was making you so uncomfortable to face me?" Jimin nodded "don't be silly, luckily it was me or else another bastard wouldn't be...."he stopped himself from talking further not wanting to make the other uncomfortable"just know it's all ok be normal, promise you won't run away again?" he stared down at him and Jimin sheepishly smiled "I won't" he assured the both smiling "By the way what are you doing here, uh do you also work here?" he curiously asked "I was also hired here" he wouldn't even let him answer but Jungkook found himself only nodding to the question, definitely Jimin was clueless. "Jimin baby come inside, it's cold?" they heard a woman's voice and Jungkook looked questionigly to Jimin who smiled "oh that's my mom, come" Jungkook felt dragged along but didn't mind "Hey baby..." she stopped talking noticing his boss's son with Jimin and wondered if they knew each other "oh you know each other?" she questioned "we study together" he replied even more comfortably "oh I see let's have dinner we'll know each other better" and they walked in. "Oh Mr Jeon Sorry for the wait" Miss Park apologized right away when he found her boss already sat waiting to be served "it's ok I was waiting for my son to join and the both of you" he assured, and that's when confusion hit Jimin, did she just say Jeon?? "Kids take your seat, and you must be Jimin?" Jimin right away straightened up and made a bow in respect "am Jimin nice to meet you" he introduced "I already like him" Mr Jeon whispered to Miss Park, she looked glad "and am Jeon, Jungkook's father" that made Jimin wide his eyes for a moment before he played it cool "oh...n..nice to meet you" he got nervous, he can't believe he asked Jungkook if he worked here yet he actually lived here. "Take a seat" the older man offered but Jimin was hesitant before he felt Jungkook tugging his arm down, making him sit next to him, in a way they faced Miss Park while Mr. Jeon sat at the head table "smells heavenly let's eat" he couldn't wait and so miss park served everyone and already digging in, Jimin forgot about his nervousness and ate more comfortably, something about Jimin he loves food, his appetite was making everyone smile at him. "huh" he looked questionigly to the three with a mouth full "here more" Mr Jeon passed him a plate "this is one is good too" his mom added another plate making him smile widely "take it slow you will choke" Jungkook chuckled as Jimin nodded "it's just good" he added "it's all yours" he promised . "So Jimin I don't want those flowers to die they mean a lot to me do you think you could take care of them?" The older was more like pleading "ofcourse trust me they will be good as new" he said confidently "well I'll trust you on that, that's all the assurance I needed well goodnight everyone" he announced "goodnight" Jimin and Jungkook replied back "so...." they were left alone together ofcourse his mom still had errands to do and promised the driver would drop him off "I will be going then it's getting late" Jimin announced and Jungkook nodded "goodnight then" they shook hands for the new developed friendship, Jungkook wanted to escort him but he thought it was too early for that "bye~" Jimin sang and turned to leave making Jungkook smile "he's.... really cute" he made notes "who's cute?" a voice startled him and it was none other than Namjoon "hyung you scared me, where did you come from" and the bicker followed. . . Jimin made it inside their home and it was dead quiet, it was not that late to sleep yet he knew Chimin never slept early so why was it quiet or else it would be busting music because he loves music "hmm that's weird" he looked at his empty room he wasn't there and that's when he kept on questioning about where he always goes at night "did he perhaps lie to me?" Jimin wasn't sure but he couldn't judge soon "maybe I'll wait for him a bit more" he made up his mind and went back to his room, he did his night routine and wore some pajamas and sat onto his bed, thinking alot of things and he found himself thinking about none other than Jungkook which made him smile "reminds me of a puppy" he giggled...
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