
1591 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV "URGH!" "Please I think....there is...some kind of misunderstanding...." He groaned in pain "really, let's take it away" Taemin grinned as he looked down at Jimin curled on the bathroom floor in pain "why did you stop go on" he turned to his friends who continued to kick Jimin on the floor as he laughed meanically "Haaa...." Jimin jolted up immediately as a pain rushed to his torso "urgh... Just a dream" he tried to convince himself, but was it a dream? "It's just a misunderstanding..." He concluded falling back to his pillow and sighing tiredly pretty sure he won't be able to go back to sleep. Ten minutes of starring up the ceiling and thinking alot he had enough, he had to get back to sleep but it wasn't working out, "I'll take some water" that was a pure lie as Jimin found himself standing Infront of Chimin's door room, it was slightly open "I can't help it" he pouted and decided to just go in already. Chimin was sleeping on his back as he had his eyes closed "he won't know." he whispered and slowly got into the covers wrapping his arms around Chimin's waist and getting comfortable to his chest "can't sleep?" he heard a voice almost whispering to him "yeah..." he whispered back and felt a hand wrapping around him "you will now" Chimin assured as Jimin giggled and not even a minute he was already out while Chimin smiled his droopy eyes giving up on him, 'i made it in time' he couldn't help than sigh in relief as he snuggled closer to Jimin something to definitely calm his down. The drugs hadn't still weared off for the last three hours but he made sure he made it back right on time, thanks to his friend Yoongi" FLASH BACK A bike followed behind Jungkook's car the moment he drove off, he was too preoccupied to realize he was being followed. Yoongi took the chance when the man in suit walked away and quickly opened the back seat doors only to find his friend sprawled knocked out "you still alive" it was supposed to be a joke but it sounded so serious while saying it, without wasting time he carried him out, thank God he was really light and sat back to his bike wrapping Chimin to his back "hold on" he warned and swiftly he drove off. Three hours later he was regaining his senses back and looked up to see Yoongi starring down at him, they were in a park on a bench "what happened?" He could feel that headache kick in immediately "alot had happened and I think that bastard tricked you" Yoongi replied with anger "s**t! take me home I don't want my brother to find out....I am not home" he tried to stand and almost fell but Yoongi got him "the drugs are still in you so be careful" he helped him to his bike and drove off accordingly to Chimin's direction, this will be the first time Yoongi got to see where Chimin lived. . . Early in the morning Chimin woke up to someone caressing his face and tried as much as opening his eyes only to shut them back as the sun hit his tired orbs "uh...what..." he noticed who touched his face "your hot, is it a fever?" he heard Jimin ask "I don't know, my head is pounding" he groaned to the pain "wait, I'll make you soup maybe..." Jimin suggested as he tried to stand up but the arm on his waist held him back "no....don't go..cuddles" he pouted as Jimin smiled at him and caress his cheek "you act like this when sick you see, let me make you soup then we cuddle yeah?" he asked and Chimin nodded too tired to talk. It was still early in the morning and Jimin had just enough time to prepare the soup. Ten minutes later Jimin walked in with a bowl of soup, a glass of water and painkillers in the tray. Chimin sat up right as Jimin immediately began to feed him "I hope it makes you feel better" "ofcourse I will it's made by you" the both giggled "I suggest you stay home in your condition" and who was Chimin to say no besides he felt like s**t "will you be ok at school, and come back home alone?" he was worried "I'll be good am not five" Chimin chuckled "ok finish up the soup I'll go now" he nodded as he watched Jimin walk out of his room and quickly ran to the bathroom immediately throwing up in the bowl "urgh....that bastard" he groaned as he threw up more, when done he washed up his face and looked in the mirror, now that he thinks about it's he feels much better like the soup just cleansened his whole body. Walking back to bed, he drunk the remaining soup and took those piankillers and resting back to the comfort of his bed "I'll text Yoongi to let him I won't come today" . . "any news..." Jungkook asked to Namjoon as the older only shook his head "but....we got leads everyone had friends right, I can assure me by night we will have him at our mercy" Namjoon promised and Jungkook nodded fixing his bag to walk out, he is in a bad mood, if only he will find that blonde he will face him. Jungkook makes his way to his morning lessons and those high pitch voices reach to his ears "OMG" "handsome" "damn hot" they started to whisper among themselves Jungkook paying no mind and walking to his seat "you sure do like showing off don't you?" a voice asked him and he looked at the guy "well do you want that, the stage is all yours" Jungkook pointed to the front and walked away not wanting to hear anything from whoever this was "Taemin call down" his friend went on massaging his shoulders in hopes to cool his temper "that bastard whoever he is, thinking he owns the school I will have to teach him a lesson too" he gritted his teeth before his eyes fell onto Jimin who walked in looking down to his feet "oh my favourite toy" he smirked Jimin was just minding his business in hopes to reach his seat not noticing Taemin who was smirking and pulling out his leg carelessly, when Jimin by passed him he almost tripped and this time it wasn't an accident, Taemin wanted to embarrass him Infront of everyone. Jungkook found himself instinctively standing up and catching the blonde before he fell "ahh.." Jimin almost screamed when he hit a hard chest "gotcha!" he heard a voice say and looking up it was the same guy, Jimin felt embarrassed, why was he always there when something stupid happen to him "I..did not" he wanted to explain himself but Jungkook only shook his head and helped him up, alot of Uwus came from the students as Jungkook wasn't bothered by it but glared at Taemin who was only grinning "that bastard" he wanted to do something but just then the professor walked in to start the lesson, guess he'll let this one pass. . . "we are having a welcoming party tomorrow evening and everyone is expected to be there" The professor announced "yay!!" the class screamed in happiness now that finally something none other book stuffs "be on your best behaviors" was the last thing he said walking out that evening, everyone gathered their books ready to just go home having enough studying for the day. "Hy" Jungkook looked up to a few girls that had approached him "hello" he said politely as the girls were trying to show off their skins and Jungkook wasn't a blind man "will you join us at the party?" she asked and Jungkook thought about it, he wasn't planning on having any kind of fun but he's been stressed lately maybe getting laid wasn't a bad idea, besides these girls were welcoming him shamelessly, Jungkook wasn't the innocent one here he's done this a couple of the times and he's been busy since moving in 'a break is all I need' he looked up to the girls and smirked his bad boy aura mode on "I will be there" he was accepting the silent plea "see you there" she said seductively walking away with the other girls. Jungkook was done packing his bags before his eyes fell onto the blonde Infront of him, he was writing down something 'come to think of it should I use this as a chance to....' he smirked as he looked at Jimin's flawless pretty face "damn" he groaned silently and stood up to walk away before he thinks way his mind. "will you be there?" Hobi asked Jimin who was busy in his books "no" he replied without looking up "oh c'mon I don't want to get bored besides they are really cool I have been there too" he tried to convince Jimin to come with him "...and I want you to meet my boyfriend" that made Jimin look up to him finding it interesting "you will go right" he made his aegyo face 's**t' and Jimin wasn't planning on saying no to that "fineee" he said half heartedly, he's never been to a party this will make it his first and his nervous yet excited he can't wait to tell Chimin about it. . . . .
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