
1590 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV Jungkook alongside Jimin who had held onto his arm walked in their class and it went completely silent, of course everyone was guilty of whatever they did to him the past few weeks "We are sorry Jiminaa" they all said at ago as the two stared at them, "as you should" Chimin said as stood beside Jungkook too, he still hated these people. The class couldn't stop to awe at how the both looked alike and the innocence they both carried even being quite aware of Chimin's character he carried innocence alongside his troublesome bad boy character. "It's...ok It was a misunderstanding..."Jimin replied to them, he really was the kindest soul after all, "now let's go sit" Chimin demanded boredly he was over with this drama going on right now, Jungkook and Jimin walked to where they had been sitting together right then being met with Hobi and Taehyung who excitedly hugged the life out of him "welcome back" he smiled at them and everyone taking a seat positively before Jungkook was shoved to extend for the third person "rude" he complimented Chimin who fake smiled and sat beside Jungkook making him the middle person and now he was between the two twins. "By the way Chim..." Jimin seemed to remember something "why are you in our class?" He questioned leaning closer "this will be my new class, You're going to see me everyday" he giggled while he was too leaning closer Jungkook getting hit with their breath, the two were speaking casually like he was not even there between them. 'God you keep testing me, you know I am a weak man' he silently pleaded 'sitting between two beauties am doomed to fail somehow' he facepalmed as his patience got tested and the two giggling having no idea of the inner turmoil Jungkook was having beside them. When they started off their first lesson, Chimin had leaned down to his desk and stole glances from Jungkook 'what were you trying to do in the bathroom?' he pondered and his smile was placed with a smirk 'am good at paying back' he was gonna make Jungkook pay the price. While Jimin could finally be comfortable in his own class, no one threw him hatred eyes, they were even speaking to him politely, it sure will be another good start, he looked towards Jungkook and couldn't help than smile he's been playing a bigger role in his life he's starting to fall- 'no no ain't true....it's not- I guess not- ahh keep quite' and now he was fighting in his head blubbering this and that. . . "Teamin what the hell is going on!?" Taemin's father sounded angry the moment he picked up his call when he was on his lunch break "how would I know am literally-" his rudeness was cut off immediately "shut up!!" he was mum "what did you do now?" he asked angrily and Taemin was taken back, no one has ever snitched on him not even those guards his father sends so how- "what do you mean" he asked nervously "of all people you had to mess with the Jeons" he shouted making Taemin straighten up "but he's not-" he was cut off yet again "don't even say a word, you messed with his people ofcourse he won't let you off the hook, am so disappointed in you" he sighed in fraustation "now that the contract hasn't passed through your not getting that cabin as promised" and like that the phone got disconnected making Taemin groan in frustration and throw away his phone to a nearby wall making it crush to pieces "Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin!!" he shouted just then when he turned he was met with his 'friends' holding bats and making their way to him "am not in the f*****g mood" he shouted at them but they all scoffed "surround him" and they did making Taemin look confused as they laughed at him "what are you doing?" he asked "do you know who I am?" He reminded "well we do know who owns this school, and now we work for Jungkook, man he's loaded" his eyes widen dramatically and he knew he was f****d right away "I'll give you twice the price" he tried making a deal "he's giving us 10x better, can you even" he was mocked, and true he couldn't "enough of the talk let's do what brought us here" Teamin wanted to run away but he was caught just then, of course who would in their right mind walk to the creepy backyard of the school, even his screams couldn't be heard. At the end of the hall could be seen Jungkook with a cigar looking at the scene in front of him as Namjoon was beside him while they both watched the beating going on "this was a good idea" Namjoon had this proud smirk on him, of course Just because he has cute dimples doesn't mean he can't kill, he likes blood on his hands, *ahem don't tell Jin about it. "Of course, Jimin wouldn't like it if I did the dirty work, he's so forgiving but I would never let Taemin off" Jungkook stated as Namjoon threw him teasing eyes "what?" He asked "very caring boyfriend" Namjoon chuckled "shut up... doesn't sound bad though" the two watch as Taemin was beat up who looked up to him with hatred eyes "serves him right, getting a taste of your own medicine" Jungkook said with a sinister look that Taemin flinched to, this was a new side he was seeing. Jungkook gave him a last glance before walking away along side Namjoon as Taemin's friends did what was ordered of them to teach Taemin a very nice lesson for messing with the wrong people, Taemin could clearly laugh at himself from the inside, he knew he was nothing compared to the Jeons he was feeling so pathetic right now he can't believe he was brought down with a snap of a finger, his father is disappointed in him and his plans have took a turn how pathetic could he get. . . . In the evening Jungkook made his way to Jimin's dance classes he knew he would be there every evening and he was done with his own classes, just then he was bumped into Chimin who seemed to be heading to the same way "you, why are you following me" Chimin started "as if I would" Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued walking his way only for Chimin to follow along "now who's following who" he stated but Chimin didn't reply rather continued to walk and Jungkook didn't mind him. Jimin came out from the dance room with dump hair must have refreshed first and met the two right outside "oh you guys what are you doing here?" he was surprised mostly because of Chimin they always met by the gate to go back together but Jungkook always picked him, something he had begun doing back then "came to pick you up" the both said and looked at each other making Jimin giggled but the two were on some sort of competition "aww let's go then" Jimin chirped and held their arms and skipped out with them to make their staring competition to a stop. As they stood outside Namjoon parked right infront of them and got out of the car to open the door, "From today onwards I'll be taking you back home, Mr Jeon's orders" Namjoon informed making the two twins look at each other unsure "and approved by Miss Park" he added and the two seemed convinced as Jungkook smirk in victory, the three got in the back seat and ofcourse Jungkook was between them, he can't seem to understand how he always ends up in that situation. "Is your hair dump?" Chimin asked Jimin with this kind of smile like he is up to something "as you can see" Jimin shook his head making his blondes scatter "come let me see" he leaned closer and touched his hair which the touch turned to a playful one, Chimin likes Jimin's dump hair and playing with it as they both giggled, and Jungkook was successfully ignored and now he had enough he wanted some attention too. "Am basically right here" he almost screamed making the two turn to him with wide eyes like they only remembered he was here making him roll his eyes "what.." he was confused how they looked at him with this mischievous smile "Jimin are you thinking what I am thinking?" Chimin asked without breaking eye contact with Jungkook and neither did Jimin "let's go for it" Jimin replied "Uh...what are the both of you up to?" Jungkook asked nervously cuz these two looked sinister at this moment like they wanted to kidnap him quietly "shh it won't hurt" Chimin assured and Jungkook tried to back away but Jimin already held him in place by getting onto his lap and messing his hair while Chimin was on the other side doing the same "uh..no no not my hair it took ages to make it" Jungkook tried to fight back but he was just one, the two only laughed at his pleas as they continued to mess with him and Namjoon who was driving tried so hard not to laugh at his boss as he was being assaulted by the two devils "hyung help..." he called out but Namjoon only laughed "am not joining that cat fight".... . .
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