
1583 Words
THIRD PERSON'S POV "Ahhhhhhh!!" Chimin quickly snapped his eyes open startled by the scream making him almost fall off the bed, "what...!" he panicked and quickly ran out to his room to see where the scream came from exactly the same expression as his mother "must be Jimin's room" she guessed when she looked at Chim and the both made it in Jimin's room only to find the other on the floor rubbing his butt with a pout "baby what happened?" his mom asked right away and the two helped him to sit back "I tripped" he explained and threw questioning gazes at Chim. "Ok so you tripped but I don't think that explains that scream there is something else" she looked at him suspiciously and Jimin tried to come up with anything but eventually failing "ok I think I did something embarrassing..." he said in a low voice scratching his neck and looking aside "where, how, when?" his mom questioned looking at the both "where, at the party yesterday" Chimin replied massaging his nape "I was acting weird around this boy yesterday..." he started "OMG it's a boy, is he handsome..." she was fan girling already "uh....yes he's very handsome" Jimin replied lowly as he felt his cheeks heat, but looked at the other side to hide it "does my baby have a crush..." She teased "m..mom no, I said I embarrassed myself in front of him, what will he think of me now" he started biting his nails nervously "your over thinking" his mom pulled his hands away from his mouth, poor nails, "just be normal or stay away from him if it's too uncomfortable" she suggested "ok I will do that" Jimin needn't to think because he was going to do so anyway. "Ok boys I made breakfast for you, dont forget to eat, you have at least an hour now am going" she stood up and kissed their foreheads before heading out while Jimin stared at Chimin questionly "Who is Jungkook?" he asked sitting beside him "uh...classmate we have the same few classes..." he answered resuming to bite his nails yet again "stop it...." Chimin scolded taking his hands and locking them "did I do something weird what even happened to me, I feel this killing headache" he groaned "am not sure how weird it went but I assume you got drunk" to that Jimin was wide eyed "the school didn't allow alcohol maybe the juice was already mixed up, do you remember anything..." Jimin made a thinking face "apart from embarrassing myself I don't remember much before that" he groaned "it's ok, let's go downstairs and get you painkillers" he nodded and went to have breakfast. Jimin hurriedly made his way to his morning classes avoiding anyone coming his way, he felt so embarrassed and wouldn't meet anyone's eye "uff.." Hobi's groan could be heard when he was bumped into "Jimin where are you looking?" he looked at the boy who was looking around weary "did Jungkook come?" the first thing he asked making Hobi scoff "the audacity to not even greet me, anyway...he, oh there he is" the moment he heard that and looked back, he saw Jungkook walking their direction, he took Hobi's hand and literally ran inside the class and taking the furthest desk away from his usual pulling Hobi along with him "hold on there why are you running, that along with me do it alone" he complained and Jimin gave him an apologetic smile "sorry I just don't want him to see me" Hobi was in a thought before he spoke "oh.. you mean yesterday" he smirked at him "yeah....." he scratched his neck "by the way you were so clingy like a little baby you know" Hobi's loud laugh followed making Jimin even more embarrassed "stop it, I don't know how I got like that" he whined "wait, I left you in that stage then what happened" Jimin tried to think but nothing was coming into his memory except for Jungkook "I don't remember how..." he replied lowly "it's ok will figure it out" he pat his shoulder and didn't talk about it anymore, "Hide me" suddenly Jimin turned to Hobi who at first was confused till he saw Jungkook walking, he pulled Jimin in his jacket seeming like he was hugging someone and pretended he wasn't doing anything, Jungkook passed by him and looked at him weirdly before walking off "phew" he breathed. . . "It's him!" Chimin was pacing back and forth near Yoongi's seat as the other listened to his outburst, the other students looked at him weirdly but he didn't care "you mean the man in the club..?" Yoongi wanted to make sure "yes!" he shouted and looked around to see everyone looking at him "what are you looking at" they all looked down, as they should. Chimin sat beside Yoongi and started to explain "I was saying, he was the dealer, that fatso didn't just scum us, he had this big bag which had millions before it disappeared right Infront of our eyes, he saw me he will definitely recognize me" he messed his hair more groaning in frustration "so he is a student here and runs some unusual business outside right?" Chimin nodded "that's it, we could use that against him if he ever recognizes you which he will or already did" Chimin thought for a while "it makes sense" he noted "so don't sweat it, until then we have to look for the bastard" Yoongi reminded "ofcourse, anyway we have a mission later" he smirked making Yoongi now more interested "that's more like it" ... .. .. Jungkook was confused, "where is he running off to now?" he questioned in disbelief seeing that one blonde running off again for the nth time now if their eyes met by any chance "maybe..." Tae whispered and Jungkook looked at him "from what you said happened yesterday he maybe embarrassed to face you now don't you think?" he questioned him and Jungkook seemed to get it now "is that it" it made him smirk "jeez look at this bastar_ I mean...." Jungkook wasn't even paying attention "he seems like a shy guy" Tae noted "of course he is" Jungkook didn't even notice how smiling he got creeping Taehyung beside him "why smiling don't tell me your planning to...." Jungkook glared at him "of course not" "ok, understood" he said raising his hands in peace. . . Jimin sighed in relief when he stood waiting for Chimin at the gate, it was a long day escaping Jungkook's eyes and it was a relief he could go back home now that he won't be facing him anymore "but what about tomorrow, or the other day, what will I do till then" he bit his nails nervously "I stopped this habit months ago why is it back?" he questioned his nails that screamed help. Jungkook was done with his last class and couldn't wait to go home well honestly to his other businesses, he made it out of the class immediately joined by Namjoon who came from no where no surprises there "hyung I need you to do something" Namjoon listened carefully as Jungkook stopped in his tracks "Find about him" he looked where he set his eyes on "uh.... Jungkook who exactly?" Namjoon was confused looking at the two having a conversation "the blonde" he pointed out and Namjoon made a seriously! face "they are two blondes which is it?" realization hit Jungkook "the hooded one" "Got it" Chimin had joined Jimin awhile ago as they talked about how their day was and that was when the both eyes met to Jungkook's who wasn't any different "oh no run" Jimin voiced and Chimin wasn't any different he thought the same because of how suspiciously he looked at him "why are they running?" Namjoon seemed confused "hahahah" Jungkook only seemed to fall in laughter "what?" the elder questioned "it's....just cute" he continued to laugh out loud 'first time I have seen him guinealy smile' Namjoon thought but it made him smile "uh hah....let's go" he motioned as they got into the car that came to pick him up. . . EVENING Chimin was pacing around his room looking for excuses to tell his brother, he has a mission today too just one more thing before he goes out, just then he heard Jimin talk on the phone "hey mom" he chirped making him go downstairs "Jimin can you come over at the Jeon mansion?" she asked making Jimin confused what was he going to do at his mom's work place "they are looking for a gardenia to take care of the flower field but I thought you can do it since you love flowers" to that he smiled widely "ofcourse" he sounded excited "you mean right now, fine am coming" Chimin listened to the conversation "a driver will pick you up" and the conversation ended "am going to mom's see you later" he announced and Chimin couldn't be happier within, but Jimin walked back "will you be ok here alone?" he asked innocently 'more than ok' he wanted to reply but that would make him sound suspicious "how old am I, of course I will be fine" he answered and that's when they heard a beep "he's here bye....." and like that he ran out "phew guess I don't need excuses" he smirked now ready for some actions . . .
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