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THIRD PERSON'S POV The football tournament was finally here, the excitement at the school was unimaginable everyone was so looking forward for today and now it's finally here they can't contain their happiness well at least it means away from books for a day and just enjoy. The field was piled up with lots of students from the different nearby schools it was really going to be fun. "you boys are ready?" the coach asked and the players answered a "yes" in unison everyone was more than ready looking all smart in their school's jersey, "then we have a few minutes let's head to the field" he announced and everyone tagged along running to the field not noticing Taemin who remained back "did you do the thing?" he asked his minion of a fake friend who nodded "I printed them to the walls,lockers and all classes" he replied with a smirk "great now that will teach them a lesson" with a final nod he joined the team on the field. The cheering team were already on the field, their theme was red in color and in tight costumes and holding pom poms to their hands. Jimin and Hobi along side the girls were ready to show cast their moves they had prepared for their team, and at the opposite the other teams were ready too. The music played and they started to do acrobats where Jimin had to even flip this got everyone's attention "dude look at him he's gorgeous" one of the players from the other team gnawkled at the beauty "should I ask for his number later" they snicker Jungkook getting angered by that, oh hell will he even let him meet not on his watch. Jungkook looked back at the team and trust me he drooled at the sight, was that even the Jimin he knew, he had those filters that surprised Jungkook most of the time and today this one was new. After the little show they sure got energized from them now time to slay them. Hobi, Yoongi and Jimin had secured the front seats and could watch literally everything they were so excited as they shouted their names "you can do it!!!!" The match had started it was literally fire at the beginning it was no denial that the other party was really good but they were the best having the football masters in their team, "over here" Taemin shouted as the ball was kicked towards his way and and scoring their first goal "yaaaay!!" a first goal win celebration "he tryna show off" Taehyung rolled his eyes and went back to his post (I have no idea of football, I will just say a few details). The second goal wasn't the easiest now that the other team seem to see the kind of players they are competing with, they spoke with their eyes and ready for another round which they made sure it will be theirs. And true to their words it really did happen, the second goal was theirs making the other team groan "we can do it guys" Chimin motivated. Taehyung was passed the ball that he smoothly surpassed through the hungry players and passed it out to Jungkook who was almost to score the goal but decided to kick over Chimin who with pleasure made a goal, dozens of screams beamed through the students, their school was doing good 2:1 Two more goals from Chimin with Jungkook doing the same passing him the ball deliberately maybe he was loving the way Chimin would jump up and hug the life out him he was quite enjoying this alitle too much for himself. 4:2 Taemin wasn't liking this a bit, the attention wasn't on him, he was supposed to be the eye candy and someone's is stealing the spot. But he smirked 'i promised to teach you a lesson. He eyed his minions aka fake friends and signalled them to do the thing. Chimin unaware of this kept his game play on but he was being kicked 'accidentally' on his legs and bruising him every time those hard rubber surface hit his skin but he played it off it happens, accidents are to be there. when this time Taehyung kicked to his side to archive another goal Chimin was kicked instead making him almost stumble over and the ball was passed to the other team who took the chance to win another goal 4:3 "urghh..." he groaned in pain and looked down to his leg, a small cut on it, it really hurt. "that bastard did it deliberately" Hobi pointed out with anger "it seems they ain't playing fair" Yoongi added to the fuel not noticing how Jimin was biting onto his nails, he was so nervous despite not him onto the field, "they will break-" Hobi was quick to shut Yoongi up as he noticed the condition of his friend "Jimin are you ok?" he asked worried "Hobi hyung he's hurt, this is not how it's supposed to be" it was obvious seeing his more hurt to see his brother hurt "don't worry, Chimin is stronger" he tried to comfort but was it really working?.... Another rounded match a hard one this time, the were getting towards the finals, everyone screaming their lungs out it was getting hyper now. Everyone got a little break and discussed the next step, everyone cheering on their teams. Chimin couldn't help than see that mockery sickening grin on Taemin, he knew he was up to no good, but he shrugged it off he doesn't want to ruin his bad mood. Everyone was set again this time around tension lingering between them, Taemin only had his eyes on Chimin he can't let him go just like that. The ball was passed to the opponent who was really fast to wanting to archive the goal, no they can't let it happen "over here" they kept on speaking between themselves until Taemin was able to stop the goal from making it through and kicking it back one with a hella strong kick. "urgh..." the ball happened to hit right into Chimin's face making him fall to the strong pain he was sure he heard something break "fuck..." Jungkook was quick to run to his aid as Taehyung pulled Taemin by his collar "you did it intentionally" he spat on his face ready to throw him a punch alot of 'boos' resonated among the students, was Taemin going to embarrass his school, a yellow card was shown to him as a warning and he apologized ofcourse fakely, Taehyung pushed him off and ran to his friends. "Ahh....hurts..." Chimin kept on groaning as Jungkook had cupped his face "sit up and look to the sky" he did as told because he was bleeding a hell of a water fall, Jimin and the two ran to them alongside a medic "Chim....you ok?" a worried voice came along "your bleeding....." Jimin was freaking out "d..do something doc stop the bleeding...." he was getting out of it. "j..Jimin sshh....it's...okay it's gonna be ok" Chimin despite the pain looked for his brother's hand and held onto it tightly for some comfort "it will be ok..." he promised him and Jimin had to hold himself. Jungkook with Taehyung helped him back to sit with Jimin by his side and the couple to his other side and the referee whistled the game was back on. 4:3 They were going for a penalty with the opponents team beginning. Everyone stood aside as they watched in cold sweat, if he scores two goals they were out, it will mean they lose. With a last breath he leaned back and gave in a strong kick, and it was a goal "yay!!!!" they shouted in a unison. 4:4 Another chance to hit that goal, if they managed a goal it was a win for them, as Taehyung a goal keeper now he was on set, no way he's allowing to pass through, and true to his words he was able to save them another chance. Now Jungkook's team for the penalty, just one more goal they win, Taemin with his smug face and without any discussion gave himself for the kick, he was confident he was going to win "he's probably going to embarrass us" Jungkook loudly pointed out making the other mad "just you wait and see" well over confidence had never been good, and to everyone's disappointment he didn't hit the goal, now they were f****d. The tension was thick as the other group was given another chance to score their last goals, everyone watching with nervousness, but Taehyung was a better goal keeper and was able to catch the ball on time, one more chance to them. 4:4 "Jungkook you can do it..." Chimin found himself mumbling as they were discussing who's going to make their school proud. "Jungkook.... Jungkook.... Jungkook" what started like a whisper from Jimin and his friends soon sounded from the rest of the crowd. "Jungkook" "Jungkook" "Jungkook" they wanted him to make the win and who's he to refuse, with a little stretch he stood on guard taking in deep breaths, the crowd getting crazy "You can do it" he could make out Chimin's voice, who knew he was this loud. It went silent, for a dead moment, only nervous breaths, just a few mere seconds when suddenly everyone shouted in victory, it...was a goal 5:4, Jungkook was able to score them a golden cup. "you did it!!" he felt himself lifted up the whole field filled with flowers thrown to the winning team, they won!!! the others couldn't help than run to their school's team, Jungkook was put down as the rest continued to jump in joy, he watched as his two favourite things (dolls,lol) running towards his direction, yes he has come to accept it. He ran along towards them and the next thing he knew he was tuckled down by their weight on both his shoulders as he swirled them around, if it weren't for his intense workout he would be down now "we won!" he shouted while they hugged the life out of him. Jungkook didn't know what came over him but he leaned down and gave the both of them a kiss onto their cheeks, they were overjoyed to think anything not the kiss just now. What they didn't realize was the notifications blaring on everyone's phone, no idea what was awaiting them. . .
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