Chapter 4

1070 Words
Angel’s Perspective "I came to see you," Clayton said to me. "We need to talk." "Clayton, not here," I said trying to avoid the topic. Just his presence was making me want to change my mind about him. Why did I have to feel this way just from being around him? I don't even know this man. "But Angel, we really need to talk." His voice almost sounded hurt. He still seemed strong and demanding, but it was clear that my avoiding him was not something he was happy about. It hurt me to hear the pain in his voice and see the fear in his eyes at the idea of my rejection. But he still seemed to hold so much power despite the emotions he wore on his face. "Clayton, I just don't think that I can do this," I said as I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. I am in love with him and I just met him? No, this can't be. Love always ends in pain. I have never had a successful relationship with a single person in my life ever. I just don't feel like a wolf connection would suddenly give me the ability to be in a relationship or anyone else the ability to love me. "Angel, I'm the alpha and you are mine. I don't think that you have a choice, " Clayton said in his alpha tone as he pinned me up against the brick wall of our school and kissed me with so much passion that it took me a minute to realize that this was not what I wanted. I didn't want to fall in love with him, I didn't want to feel attracted to him... yet here I am. "Stop, " I said as I pulled away to catch my breath. My heart skipped a beat. "You are my mate. Mine and only mine, you can’t belong to anyone else. I can't leave you, you know that." he paused and changed his tone to an irresistible whisper, "I know that you feel the same way, " he whispered in my ear in his deep god-like voice. "Please, just listen to your wolf, " he continued. My wolf did want him and it was taking everything I had not to pin him up against the wall and kiss him all day. He put his arms on the wall on both sides of my neck and closed the space between our bodies. Electric shocks were exploding through me as he trailed kisses up my neck, slowly down my jaw and then kissed my lips. I smiled and he used the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I couldn't leave him. I had to kiss him back. My wolf was ecstatic, she was starting to take over. "I'm sorry, " I said between breaths. I couldn't believe what was happening around me. "It's okay. I understand that it's going to be hard. But, we can do this, " he whispered in my ear. "You have to trust me." "Trust you?” I pulled away from him as memories from the last time someone I loved said that to me came flooding into my mind. Those words were said just hours prior to the death of my parents and the end of my life as I knew it. I was in shock. "Angel, please listen to me," he said in a soft whisper. "It doesn't matter what you've been through, who has hurt you, who changed your perspective, or how they did it, I am still going to love you with everything that I am for the rest of my life. I'm never going to stop trying, I'm never going to quit pursuing you, and I'm never going to let you forget that you are the one that was made for me. I am going to choose you every single day, Angel, even if you're not choosing me. I know that it is going to be an amazing rest of my life getting to know you and I'm still going to try to earn your trust everyday. Angel, I am going to protect your heart, not hurt it. I promise." My heart softened. No one has ever tried to protect me before in my life. I was always the one sacrificed or the one fighting my battles all of my own. "Okay," I said, deciding that he could try. He's my mate, it would be wrong to only resist him. "Let's do it," I said cautiously. "Let's try it." He kissed my lips victoriously. "Angel Johnson, can I take you out on a date tonight?" He asked with a cute smile. I could see that he felt so much better knowing that I would at least put forth effort to get to know him. "Anytime, Clayton," I said with a smile. "But... not right now. I'm already late to class." I said with a giggle. "Okay, I'm just going to come pick you up after school," he said with a hand around my waist preventing me from moving. "But, I'll need to change my clothes." I said. "You look beautiful." "What about my car?" I asked persistently. "I'll have it taken care of," he said in his alpha tone, but his smile made me smile. "Okay. I'll meet you right here at 1." I said in defeat, knowing that being with him would probably actually grow my infatuation for him and result in many more smiles. "I'm excited for this, Angel" he said happily. "Me too, Clayton," I admitted truthfully. And it really was the truth. I couldn't believe that he could care so much. A huge part of it seemed way too good to be true, but I thought that if I was going to get hurt one more time in my life that it should be by Clayton Thompson. So I walked to my class, coffee in hand. I could not wait for our date tonight as my mind raced in a million different directions. And Stella was back, we were counting the minutes until we got to see our mate again. My world had been flipped upside down and I think that my heart was beginning to defeat my mind. My life may have been in shambles before this, but if I was going to rebuild it, maybe it should be with Clayton.
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