Chapter 2

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Angel's Perspective I was considering ditching Ryan. I was definitely getting the feeling that he wanted to take our "relationship" a step further. All that I knew now was that I should have gone out with that kid, Jared that I had never gone out with before. Ryan just wanted something more than what we had. Maybe it's time that we part ways. I could easily ditch him tonight, the house was huge. I could find someone else to dance with and text Ryan later tonight and tell him not to worry about taking me home. "Ryan, I'm going to go use the restroom, I'll be right back, " I lied smoothly. "Okay, do you want me to come and wait with you? Then we could just hang out upstairs?" he offered. "I'm okay. Thanks though. Just wait right here and I will meet you back down here okay?" I said as I walked towards the stairs. However, when I got to the stairs, I went down to the basement and my wolf purred in relief. There were so many more people in the basement than I could’ve imagined, along with the DJ, a huge dance floor, and an open bar. Immediately, I spotted the guy that I was going to dance with. He was tall with short, dark, brown hair that framed his face perfectly. His sparkling blue eyes were beautiful. He had that look that told me he didn't have any trouble trying to find a beautiful girl to dance with. As I started walking towards him, a desperate blonde in a short green dress approached him. My wolf growled within me and I couldn’t understand why but it was definitely a growl. I didn't worry about it yet, I just watched the blonde. She was giggling and flirting and trying to catch his interest, or at least get his attention. She flipped her big bouncy curls and put her hand on his chest. Why was I so jealous? Why couldn't I walk away and look for another guy? Instead, I watched as she tried and failed to catch his eye. Eventually she walked away. When she walked away the guy was facing directly towards me. He saw me and our eyes locked. I was so lost in the moment and the only thing that I could tell was that my wolf was screaming to me, “your mate.” I couldn't go to him. I wanted to, my wolf desperately needed him, but I couldn't move. It was like my legs were in as much shock as my mind was. Thankfully, he came to me. "What is your name? " he asked in a charming but demanding way. "Angel Johnson, what's yours? " I asked. "Clayton Thompson. Angel, you're mine." He said. "I know, you're my mate," was all that I could say. "I'm glad that you know that. That saves me from doing a lot of explaining, " he said with a smile. His smile was beautiful. Just like the rest of him. "Do you want to go for a run?" He asked. “I think that might be what’s best for us right now.” Without even thinking about it, my wolf replied for me, "Yes." We ran outside and started running for the woods. As soon as we were surrounded by trees, our instincts took over and we ran together as wolves. Clayton’s Wolf’s Perspective I can sense that my mate is here. I don't know where, but she's here. If I don't find her soon, I will send every wolf in my pack looking for her in this building because I am alpha of them all and the alpha needs his mate. The girl talking to me is not my mate, but she is in my pack and her name is Jamie. I don't know why she thinks that she can talk to me just because her mate rejected her. Honestly, I don't blame the guy, look at what she's wearing. She might as well write "ANY GUY WILL DO" on her forehead. My mate is really close. I can feel her presence and it's completing me. I feel power filling me as I scan the room looking for her. There are girls everywhere down here, but a beautiful girl with soft blonde waves is standing across the bar. I felt drawn to her but couldn't fully see her. Finally, Jamie left allowing me to see the girl. She is wearing black heeled boots, tight dark jeans, and a blue shirt with decorative lace in the back. She has beautiful, long, blonde hair. She has a very nice, well built body and she is gorgeous. When I was finished studying her body, I looked at her angelic face and the moment I looked into her deep blue eyes, I knew that she was my mate. I had to walk towards her. "What's your name?" I asked. "Angel Johnson, what's yours?" she asked happily. Or maybe that was just her voice, a voice that always sounded happy. "Clayton Thompson. But Angel, you’re mine," I said slowly. "I know, you’re my mate," She said, verifying that she is a werewolf and verifying that her natural voice is the happy voice. "Do you want to go for a run?" I asked. Still smiling about her voice. "Yes," she said. Thank goodness. I can't be apart from my mate right now. We started running towards the woods and once we were submerged in forest trees, we transformed into wolves. She was a beautiful white wolf and I was a solid black wolf, but together, we ran as one. Ryan's Perspective The entire night was not going as planned. Where was Angel? She's been "in the bathroom" for 45 minutes now.The only reason that I even came to this party was to show off my hot date to the older guys and to get Angel alone for a while. Now, neither one of those is happening. I swear, if she ditched me or if another guy is hanging around her, things are not going to go down well. I brought her here to take our relationship a step farther. But, I'm standing by the bar alone. Where are you?? I texted her. No answer. Figures. I can't believe that this is happening. Without her here, my whole night is ruined. I needed to ask around a little and see if anybody has seen her. "Jake, have you seen Angel?" I asked impatiently. "You lost her?" he said surprised. "That's not good. She’s one of those girls that any of these guys would want to find here alone," he said stating the obvious. I know man, that's why I really need to find her." "I don't know, Ryan. If I were you, I'd definitely ask around. Somebody had to see her," he said. "Alright, thanks." I said. As I was looking around for Angel, I saw lots of pretty girls. Of course, not a single one of them had a thing on Angel. I don't care how short their dresses were, or how much makeup they had on, or how fancy they were dressed. Angel was just gorgeous, and every guy that saw her knew it too. She could wear jean shorts and a t shirt with no makeup and I would still choose her over the beautiful girls in their party attire. I don't know why, there was something about her that was so... tempting. "Hey," one of the more attractive girls said to me. She was in a short green dress that was extremely fitted and her bright, blonde, bouncy curls were about shoulder length. she was wearing tall, heeled black boots, similar to Angel's, but this girl didn't look half as good in them. "Hey. What's your name?" I asked. I didn't really care, I just wanted to find my date, but I asked anyways. "Jamie, Jamie Brooks. What about you?" "Ryan." I replied. "Got a last name, Ryan?" she asked in a flirty voice as she put her freshly manicured hand on my chest. "I do, actually," I said, trying to hint that I wasn't interested. "Well, Ryan. Let’s go get some drinks," she said as she grabbed my hand and led me to the open bar. "I don't know..." I said but she continued walking in the same direction. She was leading me to the center of the room, where a long bar ran all the way down the middle of the room. "What do you want?" she asked me in a very low whispering voice. "Surprise me," I said not really wanting to get involved with her when I already had a hot date that I had hoped was going to be more than just a hot date tonight. "I might just do that," she said as she closed the space between us and put her body on mine. I knew what she wanted, but I was unsure if I was ready to give up on Angel just yet. "Here you go," she said as she handed me a tall drink off of the bar without moving her body off of mine. I took a drink. It was really strong. It was so strong, that after the first drink, I couldn't even focus on it long enough to know what it was. After I drank about half of the mystery drink, I decided I could meet up with Angel another night. Right now I had this girl on me and she wanted me. "How is it, Ryan?" she asked as she placed my arms around her waist and put her arms around my neck. "It's good. I said, still processing what she was doing. We were so close, every part of our bodies touching. "That's good. But, do you want to know what's better?" "What?" I asked. "This," she said as she sealed her red lips onto mine and bit down on my bottom lip. I would have responded, but she wouldn't let me. She was in complete control, so I just followed along. Maybe tonight would be okay after all...
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